RubyGems Navigation menu

Reverse dependencies for github_changelog_generator Latest version of the following gems require github_changelog_generator

xcskarel 0.16.1

Tool for managing your Xcode Server & Bot configurations from the command line

37,780 下載

chef-provisioning-azure 0.6.0

This is a driver that works with chef-provisioning that allows Chef Provisioning to man...

37,086 下載

aub-payroll 1.1.0

An AUB Payroll File Generator.

35,528 下載

quke 0.10.0

Quke tries to simplify the process of writing and running acceptance tests by setting u...

34,559 下載

uob-payroll 1.2.0

A UOB Payroll File Generator

34,475 下載

sooth 2.3.2

Sooth is a simple stochastic predictive model.

33,661 下載

pandoc_abnt 2.0.0

Adiciona fontes à Imagens e Tabelas.

33,533 下載

prependers 1.0.0

Easily and cleanly extend third-party code.

32,801 下載

github-graphql 1.2.2

Send GraphQL API Requests to Github

31,575 下載

ngrok-wrapper 0.3.0

Ngrok-wrapper gem is a ruby wrapper for ngrok2

31,416 下載

sleet 0.6.0

Sleet provides an easy way to grab the most recent Rspec persistance files from CircleC...

31,392 下載

megahal 2.3.2

Have a weird conversation with a computer.

30,979 下載

wombat-cli 0.7.3

With a tough barrel-like body, short powerful legs, and long flat claws, the wombat wal...

29,053 下載

giturl 1.3.4

giturl: A simple navigation tool for GitHub pages from local git-cloned directories. W...

28,218 下載

ops_manager_cli 0.7.14

Performs Ops Manager deployments.

27,020 下載

blocktrain 0.3.3

Train of fools

26,965 下載

uuid_associations-active_record 0.6.0

Adds association_uuids= method on has_many and has_and_belongs_to_many associations

26,483 下載

toggl-worktime 0.4.2

Summarise Toggl Time Entries

24,485 下載

puppet_webhook 1.7.0

Sinatra Webhook Server for Puppet/R10K

24,403 下載

payroll_hero-api 1.4.0

Provides a clean canonical interface to accessing PayrollHero APIs with Ruby

24,171 下載

gps_pvt 0.10.2

This module calculate PVT by using raw observation obtained from a GPS receiver

24,121 下載

eipiai 0.8.1

Opinionated JSON-API stack to get the job done.

23,716 下載

crispy 0.4.0

Test spy for any object. It makes mocks obsolete so you don't have to be worried about ...

22,622 下載

page-objectify 0.0.10

A Ruby page class generator (for use with the page-object gem)

20,915 下載

sensu-extensions-statsd 2.0.0

Check extension to run a StatsD implementation

20,824 下載

vpr 2.3.3

Visit the github PR using the Commit SHA-1

20,695 下載

kitchen-nodes-scalp42 0.10.0

A Test Kitchen Provisioner for Chef Nodes

20,207 下載

knife-maas 2.1.0

A knife plugin to interact with MAAS

19,749 下載

os_map_ref 0.5.0

This gem allows you to gather U.K. Ordnance Survey Eastings, North, and Map References ...

18,950 下載

container_ship 0.1.6

container_ship is a simple ECS deployment tool. You only need to prepare Dockerfile and...

18,836 下載

總下載次數 2,138,010

這個版本 889,832



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.5.0
