github_api 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 github_api
jeweler 2.3.9
Simple and opinionated helper for creating Rubygem projects on GitHub
1,879,468 下载
tddium 1.25.5
Solano CI runs your test suite simply and quickly in our managed cloud environment. Yo...
541,283 下载
hydra 11.0.0
Project Hydra Stack Dependencies
334,992 下载
sambot 0.1.229
# Sambot Sambot is our internal Platform Engineering toolchain to help standardize and...
311,777 下载
zotplus-rakehelper 0.0.157
ZotPlus rake helper
308,449 下载
git_reflow 0.9.9
Git Reflow manages your git workflow.
129,234 下载
github_cli 0.6.2
CLI-based access to GitHub API v3
97,029 下载
juwelier 2.4.9
Simple and opinionated helper for creating Rubygem projects on GitHub
89,001 下载
overlay 2.3.0
Overlay one or more external repositories on a running Rails application
88,180 下载
githubissues-port 1.6
An Excel import/export extension for github issues in Ruby.
76,228 下载
zetabot 2.1.2
Zeta is a IRC bot written in ruby using the Cinch Framework
73,959 下载
t1k 4.2.3
Use those scripts to create automatically branchs associated with issues and tracked co...
61,857 下载
repocrawler 0.2.29
Grab the information of repository from the GitHub, RubyGems, The Ruby Toolbox and Stac...
58,952 下载
ahalogy-automation 0.15.1
Scripts that install applications on Ahalogy Mac computers.
43,833 下载
gitrob 1.1.2
Reconnaissance tool for GitHub organizations
42,461 下载
Command Line tool for developing themes in Tray E-commerce
39,120 下载
omg_pull_request 0.5.3
Have tests run automatically for your Github Pull Request
37,281 下载
gisture 0.0.13
Execute one-off gists inline or in the background.
33,607 下载
github_issues_cli 0.3.2
Command line tool for managing issues, pull-requests on GitHub platform
33,297 下载
cid 0.3.2
Tools to allow continuous integration when collaborating on data in Github
30,556 下载
fire_watch 0.6.0
Helps project managers view the health of a project
27,999 下载
gboom 0.0.8
the fun way to create gists from your command line
27,256 下载
gems-license-finder 0.0.11
Poor man's license finder for rubygems, that might work
27,050 下载
export-pull-requests 0.4.0
Program to export GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket pull requests/merge requests and issues ...
26,836 下载
capistrano-committed 0.0.18
Tells you what Capistrano 3 is going to deploy based on GitHub commits since the last r...
26,831 下载
flux 0.0.8
Command line workflow manager.
26,286 下载
octopush 0.0.9
Upload repos to github from the command line
25,489 下载
netlify 0.2.2
API Client for Netlify
22,119 下载
ghit 0.2.4
Ghit is a gem that adds more git commands for a better command line Git(hub) experience.
22,065 下载
zz-export-pull-requests 0.3.17
Program to export GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket pull requests/merge requests and issues ...
21,474 下载