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Dependencias inversas para git La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren git

git_test 0.0.13

git_test runs your tests and stores them in git. Use git_test to track tests over multi...

46.910 Descargas

bob_the_builder 0.1.10

longer description of your gem

46.761 Descargas

bob_the_builder 0.1.10

longer description of your gem

46.761 Descargas

platinum-deployer 0.3.2

Deploys Platinum projects to simulators, devices, and more.

46.703 Descargas

clenver 0.1.15

clenver aims to shorten time of configuring your brand new *NIX account to fully featur...

46.110 Descargas


Namespaced Rack::Session, Rack::Cache, I18n and cache Redis stores for Ruby web framewo...

45.414 Descargas

jacuzzi 0.1.4

jacuzzi pulls your RSpec+Capybara+Selenium tests down from a git repo, and runs them.

44.530 Descargas

appleseed 0.5.0

Generator for a Rails 3 app that will also push the project to GitHub and Heroku.

44.316 Descargas

git_pretty_accept 1.0.0

`git-pretty-accept` is a script that rebases a pull request before merging to master. P...

44.220 Descargas

manifestly 3.1.0

Manage multi-site deploy manifests

44.144 Descargas

rgitflow 0.2.2

A collection of Rake tasks designed to represent Git Flow in a Ruby context.

43.781 Descargas

stevenson 2.5.1

Stevenson is a simple generator for microsites using Jekyll

42.973 Descargas

jeweler2 2.0.9

Simple and opinionated helper for creating Rubygem projects on GitHub

41.011 Descargas

leeloo 0.5.4

The easiest way to share securely your secrets

40.843 Descargas

kintsugi 0.7.6

Kintsugi resolves conflicts in .pbxproj files, with the aim to resolve 99.9% of the con...

40.771 Descargas

skyed 0.1.16

A cloudy gem

40.678 Descargas

anvil-core 0.6.0

Anvil is a tool for building tools.

40.220 Descargas

test_ids 1.2.3

Origen plugin to assign and track test program bins and test numbers

40.172 Descargas

abt 0.0.4

Always Be Testing Yo! A testing framework that runs on IronWorker

39.885 Descargas

abt 0.0.4

Always Be Testing Yo! A testing framework that runs on IronWorker

39.885 Descargas

starter 0.2.1

Generally useful and reusable things

39.808 Descargas

bueller 0.0.9

Bueller provides a command to create new gem project directories. Code to help you star...

39.132 Descargas

cipr 0.1.9

cipr tests your pull requests and comments the results

39.098 Descargas

kitchen-sharedtests 0.2.0

Test Kitchen is used with different provisioners, this gem should help to use external ...

39.038 Descargas

puppet-lint-wmf_styleguide-check 1.1.4

A puppet-lint plugin to check that the code adheres to the WMF coding guidelines: ...

38.940 Descargas

gitall 1.1.28

A git based webhook receiver for GitHub, GitLab, and Gogs

38.656 Descargas

capita_git 0.1.7

Git-automation tool for quick handling of common patterns for feature and fix branches

38.506 Descargas

maestro-plugin-rake-tasks 1.0.11

A collection of Rake tasks used to package Maetro Ruby plugins

38.408 Descargas

rookie 0.5.0

Simple Rake tasks that make life easier.

38.076 Descargas

bio-band 0.1.11

Data mining and machine learning algorithms for JRuby

37.666 Descargas

Total de descargas 127.672.537

Para esta versión 111.876



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 3.0.0
