foreigner 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 foreigner
social_stream-base 2.2.2
Social Stream is a Ruby on Rails engine providing your application with social networki...
425,701 下載
ack_rocket_cms_activerecord 0.9.2
AckRocketCMS - RocketCMS fork - ActiveRecord metapackage
89,869 下載
rails3_pg_deferred_constraints 0.1.0
Rails 3 engine which provides a hack to avoid RI_ConstraintTrigger Error bug
89,665 下載
enjoy_cms_activerecord 0.4.1
EnjoyCMS - ActiveRecord metapackage
81,921 下載
flipper-activerecord3dot2 0.1.2
ActiveRecord 3.2 adapter for Flipper
72,139 下載
ninoxe 1.2.3
This library provides a model to navigate through Chouette database.
60,843 下載
legacy_data 0.2.1
Create ActiveRecord models from an existing database
54,378 下載
voluntary 0.7.1
#Crowdsourcing management system for #RubyOnRails:
51,602 下載
foreigner-matcher 0.3.0
Adds rspec matcher to verify the presence of foreign keys generated by Foreigner in a t...
45,636 下載
sqlserver-foreigner 0.0.2
Add sqlserver support to foreigner
32,162 下載
mcms_pages 1.0.0
It can be added in any application to create pages.
28,685 下載
event_sourced_accounting 0.2.6
The Event-Sourced Accounting plugin provides an event-sourced double entry accounting s...
25,764 下載
HancockCMS - ActiveRecord metapackage
25,186 下載
nps_surveys 0.2.5
Surveys, like NPS.
16,437 下載
self_systeem 0.1.0
System testing by recording actual user interactions
16,417 下載
fortifier 0.2.4
Different stuff.
15,973 下載
who_am_i 0.0.6
Table schema reminders in the model
10,913 下載
active_schema 0.1.0
If you've gone through the trouble of linking your schema with proper foreign keys, ...
10,447 下載
active_schema 0.1.0
If you've gone through the trouble of linking your schema with proper foreign keys, ...
10,447 下載
statusbot-models 0.6.1
Contains all of the models used by statusbot. Makes it easy for smaller pieces to use ...
10,441 下載
sqlite3-foreigner 0.1.2
Foreigner like FK migration for SQLite3
8,268 下載
curationexperts-mailboxer 0.10.3
A Rails engine that allows any model to act as messageable, adding the ability to excha...
7,425 下載
mailboxer-without-notification 0.11.2
A Rails engine that allows any model to act as messageable, adding the ability to excha...
6,862 下載
image_thread 0.1.1
Images for models
6,208 下載
so2db 0.2.1
SO2DB provides an API for building StackOverflow data dump importers. It ships wit...
6,170 下載
pvdgm_services 0.1.1
Provides HL7/MDS inbound services to a Rails application.
5,646 下載
vkhater-social_stream-base 0.11.2
Social Stream is a Ruby on Rails engine providing your application with social networki...
4,444 下載
foreigner-sqlserver 0.0.1
Add SQL Server support to foreigner
4,244 下載
newconference-core 1.0.0
This is the core for newconference gem. Newconference helps you create a website for yo...
3,695 下載
rails-alerter 0.0.5
Many apps need to send basic notifications to users, often using multiple delivery meth...
3,048 下載