RubyGems Navigation menu

fog 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 fog

awsquery 0.3.3

A collection of tools for querying AWS hosts based on metadata and manipulating them

26,092 下載

skeme 0.0.9

= skeme Skeme is a library for tagging objects (server instances, storage volumes, etc...

25,406 下載

sdbport 0.4.1

Import and export AWS SimpleDB domains.

24,788 下載

relevance_rails 0.2.1

A Rails 3 wrapper which forces template use and includes a plethora of generators for s...

24,506 下載


Upload files in your Ruby applications, map them to a range of ORMs, store them on diff...

23,960 下載

pairhost 0.0.8

A Vagrant-like command line interface for creating, managing, and using EC2 instances f...

23,959 下載

management 1.4

Minimalist EC2 configuration & deployment tool.

23,637 下載

bosh_openstack_registry 0.0.5

BOSH OpenStack registry

23,601 下載

snap-ebs 0.0.25

Tested, service-aware and consistent AWS EC2 backups via EBS snapshots.

23,319 下載

crop-duster 0.0.14

Fly low and slow over your AWS servers looking for weeds

23,267 下載

kitchen-gce 0.2.0

A Test-Kitchen driver for Google Compute Engine

22,773 下載

syncassets_r2 0.5.0

This rake task will update (delete and copy) all the files under the public directory t...

22,760 下載

kitchen-softlayer 1.1.0

A Test Kitchen Softlayer driver

22,635 下載

berks_to_rightscale 0.0.6

A commandline utility which will collect cookbooks defined by berkshelf, compress them,...

22,198 下載

buzzoink 0.0.7

Simple interface for Pig, Hive and Streaming over EMR.

22,067 下載

elzar 0.2.0

Provides Chef cookbooks for a production Rails environment. Also supports Chef-erizing ...

22,058 下載

closync 0.1.2

A tool for deploying complete HTML Apps to S3-compatible object storage. Cache-Cont...

21,985 下載

capistrano-getservers 2.0.0

A capistrano plugin for simplifying deployment processes to rackspace or amazon ec2

21,628 下載

debut 0.0.8

A simple way to register your cloud instance with DNS and other lookup services

21,472 下載

backup-rails 1.0.5

Backup rails project with backup & whenever gems

21,337 下載

factor-connector-rackspace 0.0.10

Rackspace Connector

21,332 下載

logstash-input-rackspace 3.0.5

This gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...

21,098 下載

knife-rackspace-cluster 0.0.8

Creates rax clusters

20,971 下載

aws-kicker 0.0.7

Utility for kicking an application stack into life on Amazon EC2

20,873 下載

renv 1.0.0

Manages out-of-repository .env file

20,810 下載

catarse_full 0.1.0

Gem packaging of Catarse, a crowdfunding application.

20,771 下載

gaff 0.3.6

cloud api's via amqp and json'

20,766 下載

kkt_shoppe 2.0.2

A full Rails engine providing e-commerce functionality for any Rails 4 application.

20,729 下載

migrant-boxes 0.2.0

A simple and opinionated way to replicate a Vagrant setup on EC2 or Rackspace

20,412 下載

cynq 0.0.6

Easy synchronization of local files to cloud based storage.

20,303 下載

總下載次數 57,566,736

這個版本 95,055



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.5.0
