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flickru 0.0.13

Command-line tool that automatises photo/video uploads to Flickr. Entering 'flickru ' in your command line, any photos under 'directory' (and subdirs) are uploaded to your Flickr account (interactively entered the first time you start flickru). Photos are identified by case-insensitive extensions: GIF, JPEG, JPG, PNG, and TIFF. Videos are identified by case-insensitive extensions: AVI, MPEG, and MPG. flickru automatically sets the following Flickr metadata: (1) date taken: if JPEG/TIFF Exif metadata is found, date is extracted from them, otherwise flickru sets date to the last modification time. (2) privacy policy: private, visible by friends & family, hidden for public searches (3) safety level: safe (4) permissions: friends & family can add comments to the photo and its notes; nobody can add notes and tags to the photo (5) description: for videos longer than 90s (Flickr's longest allowed duration) but shorter than 500MB (Flickr's maximum permisible size), it will contain an annotation about its large duration. (6) title, geolocation, and accuracy: extracted from the parent directory name. Before uploading photos, please, make sure that you have correctly named each photos parent directory according to the name format 'TITLE[@LOCATION[#PRECISION]]', where: (1) TITLE is the desired title for the photos stored in the directory (2) LOCATION is the location of the photos. Flickru gets locations in two ways: (a) the Wikipedia page name (whitespaces allowed) of the location (if exists) or (b) its coordinates LATITUDE,LONGITUDE (3) PRECISION is the Flickr geolocation precision. Flickru sets it to one of the following case insentitive literals: 'street', 'city', 'region', 'country', 'world'. Photos are classified into photosets. If the photoset does not exist, flickru creates it. This photoset is named after its grandparent directory. The photoset is arranged by 'date taken' (older first). To see some examples on the directory structure recognised by flickru, please explore the subdirectories under 'var/ts'. Homepage: GitHub:

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  1. 0.6.5 - December 02, 2018 (1,82 MB)
  2. 0.6.4 - December 02, 2018 (1,82 MB)
  3. 0.6.0 - November 05, 2016 (1,82 MB)
  4. 0.5.1 - October 17, 2016 (1,82 MB)
  5. 0.5.0 - October 16, 2016 (1,82 MB)
  6. 0.0.13 - January 08, 2012 (1,45 MB)
Toon alle versies (34 totaal)

Runtime afhankelijkheden (8):

bundler ~> 1.0.21
colorize ~> 0.5.8
escape ~> 0.0.4
exifr ~> 1.1.1
flickraw ~> 0.9.4
rubygems-update ~> 1.8.11
simplecov ~> 0.5.4
unicode_utils ~> 1.1.2

Development afhankelijkheden (1):

rspec ~> 2.7.0



  • Jesus Pardillo

SHA 256 checksum:

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Total downloads 92.793

Voor deze versie 3.521

Versie vrijgegeven:



Required Ruby Version: Geen
