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Dependencias inversas para feedzirra La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren feedzirra

muck-services 3.3.3

This gem contains the rails specific code for dealing with feeds, aggregations and reco...

200.134 Descargas

cline 1.0.1

Show recently news on the terminal.

70.017 Descargas

spix_parser 1.8.2

A feed parser wrapper for Spix

69.071 Descargas

feed2email 0.11.1

RSS/Atom feed updates in your email

45.472 Descargas

jekyll-reposter 0.1.8

Provides a interface for generating posts as a repost from external feeds. Tested with ...

30.897 Descargas

github_metadata 0.3.0

Extracts additional information like amount of committers, issues and wiki pages from G...

23.570 Descargas

catarse_full 0.1.0

Gem packaging of Catarse, a crowdfunding application.

21.404 Descargas

twithub 0.1.5

A gem to aggregate your recent twitter and github activity into a single feed. Can acce...

18.602 Descargas

gandalf 0.0.4

Scheduler and Worker makes a unit. You can also make your own worker as well.

17.732 Descargas

traffic 0.0.6

Traffic is a gem that supplies traffic information from multiple data providers

16.007 Descargas

feedzirra-podcast 0.0.13

Strict RSS 2 podcast parsing with Feedzirra

15.495 Descargas

discodactyl 0.5.0

Discodactyl is an experimental toolkit for XRD service discovery documents and related ...

12.615 Descargas

bulletin 0.0.6

Command line RSS reader

12.511 Descargas

doing_stream 0.0.3

Accumulate streams from various sites

11.763 Descargas

solarsearch 0.0.10

Have a search motor built on the top of Solr, a highly customizable, scalable and well ...

11.612 Descargas

apdm 0.0.16

A collection of APDM local paper-related things.

8.562 Descargas

feed_cache 0.1.0

A thin wrapper over Feedzirra with injected caching

8.344 Descargas

learnable-notifier 0.0.2

A little application that check the Learnable RSS feed and posts new messages to prowl....

7.776 Descargas

sc2cinch 0.1.1

Display your current ladder rank, report the outcome of games, and more

7.435 Descargas

omnom 0.0.2

An everythingreader for programmers

6.701 Descargas

torrent_rss 0.2.0

Manage parsing RSS files for torrents and downloading them

6.573 Descargas

hashtag_retweet_bot 0.2.0

Script that listens to a tag and retweets messages with that tag. Supports both OAuth a...

4.902 Descargas

hashtag_retweet_bot 0.2.0

Script that listens to a tag and retweets messages with that tag. Supports both OAuth a...

4.902 Descargas

relevant-github 0.0.1

Parses github activity feeds

4.533 Descargas

relevant-hudson 0.0.1

Check the time

4.522 Descargas

nutritious 0.0.1

Reads bookmark stream from

4.413 Descargas

rss-feed 0.8.2

This gem fetches RSS feed and allow new feed entry document creations with rake tasks.

4.284 Descargas

myredditnews 0.0.1

Mirror your rss feeds into a subreddit

3.938 Descargas

feed_notifier 0.0.1

Notify feed update via notification center

3.928 Descargas

feedig 0.0.1

Feed IRC Gateway

3.801 Descargas

Total de descargas 438.796

Para esta versión 44.101

Versión publicada:



Versión de Ruby requerida: Ninguno
