faraday-multipart 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 faraday-multipart
papierkram_api_client 0.5.1
Papierkram API Client, um deine Buchhaltung auf das nächste Level zu bringen.
5,885 下载
vellum_ai 0.3.15
The Vellum Ruby Library provides access to the Vellum API from Ruby.
5,525 下载
kleister 1.14.1
OpenAPI client for Kleister
5,301 下载
pagiii 0.1.11
CLI to support themes on pagiii CMS
4,825 下载
aspose_cad_cloud 24.5.2
This SDK allows to work with Aspose.CAD Cloud REST API in your Ruby a...
4,771 下载
ruby_llm 1.0.0
A delightful Ruby way to work with AI. Chat in text, analyze and generate images, under...
4,543 下载
zilla 0.2.3
No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools...
4,438 下载
translate_client 0.0.2
Handle translations in your Rails app with the translate web app.
4,149 下载
buildium-ruby 3.1.0
API client library for Buildium
3,988 下载
composio 0.1.19
Composio SDK: Equip your agent with high-quality tools and build your real-world usecase
3,849 下载
daily-ruby 1.0.2
The official Daily API Ruby client for Daily's REST API
3,803 下载
cloudflare-ai 0.9.2
This opinionated ruby client is intended to make it uncomfortably easy to use Cloudflar...
3,758 下载
pulp_gem_client 0.6.2
Fetch, Upload, Organize, and Distribute Software Packages
3,708 下载
deta 0.1.2
Ruby bindings for deta.sh. deta APIs can be found here: https://docs.deta.sh/docs/home
3,560 下载
propertyware 1.3.0
API client library for Propertyware
3,204 下载
ruby-leonardoai 0.1.6
LeonardoAI API + Ruby! 🤖❤️
3,193 下载
rafay_calculator_test 1.0.6
Simple calculator API hosted on APIMATIC. For package publishing testing only.
3,180 下载
openlayer 0.3.0
Openlayer api wrapper
3,112 下载
rujira 0.1.10
The library is under development
2,911 下载
connect_wise 0.1.1
OpenAPI generated wrapper for the ConnectWise API
2,811 下载
make the creation of pdf easy in ruby
2,773 下载
plex_ruby_sdk 0.7.7
Ruby Client SDK Generated by Speakeasy
2,665 下载
clerk-http-client 2.0.0
A Ruby wrapper for the Clerk Backend API
2,606 下载
hiya 0.2.3
Simple, Fast, Safe, Private URL Shortener
2,567 下载
cloudflared 0.1.1
An API wrapper that focuse on the Cloudflare developer APIs, such as images, stream, pa...
2,526 下载
idrac 0.1.38
A Ruby client for the Dell iDRAC API
2,362 下载
ruby-magicwrite 0.1.5
MagicWrite API + Ruby! 🤖❤️
2,294 下载
shelby_arena 0.0.8
A Ruby wrapper for the Shelby Arena API -- a church management platform.
2,225 下载
shortcut_client_ruby 0.1.2
Shortcut API
2,120 下载
freeagentrb 0.1.4
Ruby library for the FreeAgent v2 API
2,084 下载