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factory_girl_railsの被依存関係 以下のgemの最新版はfactory_girl_railsを必要としています

bitsy-bitcoin 0.9.0

A mountable Rails engine to create a payment server that can handle the money in your B...

88,885 ダウンロード数

shoppe 1.1.2

A full Rails engine providing e-commerce functionality for any Rails 4 application.

83,872 ダウンロード数

enju_resource_merge 0.0.17

Merge resource records for Next-L Enju

83,413 ダウンロード数

couch_rest_adapter 0.8.1

Extends couchrest document and adds simple views and document management.

83,106 ダウンロード数

bookingsync_portal 3.0.0

A common base for creating BookingSync portal applications.

82,256 ダウンロード数

ecm_pictures 0.0.21

Provides picture galleries for active admin.

82,247 ダウンロード数

polygallery 0.4.8

Polymorphic galleries made simple.

81,334 ダウンロード数

paginative 0.3.0

After spending a lot of time screwing around with orphaned objects and every other prob...

77,445 ダウンロード数

active_admin_jcrop 0.0.10

Jcrop plugin for ActiveAdmin, enable image cropping solution on image fields

77,239 ダウンロード数

opay 1.3.2

Payu (polish payment service) rails engine.

77,155 ダウンロード数

lobby 0.0.27

Lightweight authentication for my projects

76,645 ダウンロード数

helpdesk 0.0.42

Helpesk includes: tickets, ticket types, email-notification, FAQ, subscribers

75,812 ダウンロード数

xmppify 0.0.62

We have extracted out the logic from IdleCampus and built xmppify because I want to hel...

75,522 ダウンロード数

smithycms 0.8.1

Smithy CMS is a Rails Engine built to manage your content easily and play nicely with o...

74,944 ダウンロード数

api_pagination_headers 2.1.1

Add pagination info to the response headers, GitHub style.

74,879 ダウンロード数

contact_sync 1.5.2

Easy Contacts Syncing over API with encrypted contacts email and phone numbers

73,221 ダウンロード数

notify_user 0.3.2

Drop-in solution for user notifications. Handles notifying by email, SMS and APNS, plus...

71,411 ダウンロード数

mail_spy 0.1.1

Mailspy allows for quick and easy creation, sending and tracking of email campaigns

71,072 ダウンロード数

cambium 1.3.2

Rails generators to facilitate development.

71,012 ダウンロード数

koudoku 2.0.0

Robust subscription support for Rails with Stripe. Provides package levels, coupons, lo...

70,315 ダウンロード数

fcrepo_admin 0.6.1

A Rails engine for administrative access to a Fedora Commons repository based on the Hy...

68,698 ダウンロード数

almanac 0.9.2

Almanac is the most elegant mountable blog engine that can be easily hooked up in the e...

68,339 ダウンロード数

curate 0.6.6

A data curation Ruby on Rails engine built on Hydra and Sufia

67,795 ダウンロード数

table_sortable 0.4.7

TableSortable adds multi-column, server-side filtering, sorting and pagination to the t...

65,774 ダウンロード数

copycat 0.2.7

Edit live website copy.

65,687 ダウンロード数

quandl_logger 0.3.1

Quandl logger class for use in quandl gems.

64,585 ダウンロード数

acts_as_amico 0.2.8

Rails injectable Relationships (e.g. friendships) backed by Redis

64,285 ダウンロード数

enju_flower 0.1.2

User interface for Next-L Enju

63,317 ダウンロード数

exvo_globalize 0.6.0

It exposes `/globalize/translations.json` with JSON of all translations in the app

63,306 ダウンロード数

user_authentication 2.0.0

A rails engine for email and password based account authentication.

63,161 ダウンロード数

累計ダウンロード数 51,352,898

このバージョンのみ 4,495,403




必要なRubyのバージョン: >= 0
