RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para factory_girl La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren factory_girl

factory_json 0.1.1

FactoryGirl can now handle JSON representation for an object.

30.045 Descargas

acts_as_inheritable 0.9.0

This gem will let you inherit any attribute or relation from the parent model.

29.922 Descargas

social_snippet-registry_core 0.0.13

The server-side core classes for social-snippet-registry

29.423 Descargas

super_list 1.4.2

super list

29.329 Descargas

hashtree 0.0.9

HashTree that has a Hash-like interface and stores data into blocks

29.324 Descargas

headache 1.0.1

Take the pain out of building ACH files. Wraps the Fixy gem for building fixed-with ACH...

29.262 Descargas

zencodable 0.2.1

provides a `has_video_encodings` class method to your models that allows you to confi...

29.132 Descargas

has_draft 1.4.0

Allows for your ActiveRecord models to have drafts which are stored in a separate dupli...

28.973 Descargas

asyncapi-client 0.11.0

Asynchronous API communication

28.917 Descargas

spree_komoju 0.1.4

Spree Payment gateway for Komoju payment gateway

28.814 Descargas

riot_lol_api 0.3.3

Riot games api wrapper for ruby

28.645 Descargas

mailcannon 0.1.1

A mass mailing tool for real threads aficionados

28.625 Descargas

trogdir_api_client 0.8.0

API consuming models for the Trogdir directory project

28.587 Descargas

retentiongrid 0.2.4

A ruby client for API.

28.501 Descargas

rekiq 1.2.0

Rekiq extends Sidekiq to allow the scheduling of recurring wo...

28.457 Descargas

sunrise-core 0.2.2

Sunrise is a Aimbulance CMS

28.451 Descargas

bigamy 0.2.2

Have associations between ActiveRecord objects and MongoMapper documents

28.289 Descargas

g5_integrations_updatable 0.1.0

Retrieves and stores integration models from g5-integrations-dashboard.

28.262 Descargas

administer 0.3.0

Automatic admin interface generation

28.189 Descargas

rails_wordpress 0.2.1

A Rails Engine that enables you to easily wire up a Rails app to an existing Wordpress ...

27.613 Descargas

daddys_girl 1.0.0

Rubygem to provide object_daddy-like syntax for factory_girl

27.541 Descargas

neoid 0.2.1

Extend Ruby on Rails ActiveRecord with Neo4j nodes. Keep RDBMS and utilize the power of...

27.527 Descargas

spree_minicart 1.1.3

Spree Minicart allows customer to add/remove an item from their cart without ever leavi...

27.526 Descargas

spree_custom_checkout 4.0.1

Implement a custom checkout with Spree. The goal here is to merge guest signup, address...

27.484 Descargas

mousetrap 0.5.0

CheddarGetter API Client in Ruby

27.408 Descargas

spud_banners 1.0.0

Spud Banners allows you to create and maintain sets of rotating banners for use on your...

27.372 Descargas

acts_as_taggable_simple 0.1.0

Adds an acts_as style method to your models called acts_as_taggable

27.371 Descargas

rest-api-client 0.1.11

Common classes and methods to handle rest communication

27.171 Descargas

factory_girl-cache 0.3.0

Use FactoryGirlCache to call or retrieve cached results from FactoryGirl factories.

27.127 Descargas

reuters 0.9.3

Ruby Gem for interacting with the Thomson Reuters Knowledge Direct API

26.919 Descargas

Total de descargas 65.582.525

Para esta versión 8.464.413



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 1.9.2
