RubyGems Navigation menu

factory_bot 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 factory_bot

restool 1.0.9

Make HTTP requests and handle its responses using simple method calls. Restool turns yo...

46,075 下載

pg_serializable 3.1.0

serializes rails models from postgres (9.5+)

45,887 下載

db_memoize 0.4.0

library to cache (memoize) method return values in database

45,177 下載

factory_girl-seeds 2.0.0

Preseed reusable data for factory girl

45,161 下載

klaviyo_api 1.7.0

Consume Klaviyo's API using ActiveResource

44,754 下載

physical 0.5.1

A package with boxes and items

44,522 下載

lago-ruby-client 1.6.0

Lago Rest API client

43,009 下載

metal_archives 3.2.0

Ruby API layer that transparently queries, scrapes and caches Metal Archives' website

42,944 下載

uffizzi-cli 2.4.10


42,270 下載

thecore_auth_commons 3.1.7

Provides common User and Role models to attach Authentication and Authorization via you...

41,901 下載

authenticate 0.7.3

Authentication for Rails applications

40,034 下載

agile-cli 0.0.19

Command line instrument for agile. Our git repo

39,263 下載

lightstreamer 0.17

Library and command-line client for accessing a Lightstreamer server.

39,190 下載

lookout-rack-test 3.0.0

RSpec and Cucumber helpers

38,383 下載

plate_api 1.2.8

This gem can be used to connect to the Plate API. It takes care of the authenticatio...

37,911 下載

fixturama 0.5.1

Use fixtures to extract verbosity from RSpec specifications: - load data, - stub classe...

35,320 下載

sraas 0.5.2

More API gem than is reasonable.

34,898 下載

ditty 0.11.1

Sinatra Based Application Framework

34,752 下載

trav3 1.0.0

A Simple client abstraction for the Travis V3 API

34,524 下載

rast 1.0.0

Extends RSpec functionality by using the catch-all-scenario testing (CAST) principle.

33,925 下載

schleuder 4.0.3

Schleuder is a group's email-gateway: subscribers can exchange encrypted emails among t...

33,890 下載

publify_core 10.0.1

Core engine for the Publify blogging system, formerly known as Typo.

33,157 下載

ledger_sync-quickbooks_online 1.0.0

LedgerSync is a simple library that allows you to sync common objects to popular accoun...

32,846 下載

activemodel-datastore 0.8.0

Makes the google-cloud-datastore gem compliant with active_model conventions and compat...

32,409 下載

redstream 0.5.0

Using redis streams to keep your primary database in sync with secondary datastores

31,200 下載

notifiable-core 0.4.2

Notifiable core classes.

30,313 下載

shark-on-lambda 2.1.0

`shark-on-lambda` does the heavy lifting for writing web services based on AWS API Gate...

30,257 下載

eezee 1.0.16

A library to execute HTTP request in an easy way

29,998 下載

keycloak-ruby-client 0.0.20

Keycloak ruby client

29,186 下載

rokaki 0.9.0

A dsl for filtering data in web requests

28,295 下載

總下載次數 220,780,364

這個版本 3,628,645



Ruby 版本需求: >= 3.0.0
