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factory_bot 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 factory_bot

dinja 2.0.0

Dinja, Dependency Injection Ninja allows you to decouple abstractions from implementations

7,722 下載

factory_bot_factory 1.2.1

A Gem that generate FactoryBot's Factory file from exsiting Hash, OpenStruct or Models.

7,565 下載

graphql-analyzer 0.1.4

An analysis tool for graphql-ruby schemas.

7,340 下載

bundler-alive 0.1.7

bundler-alive reports gems are archived or not.

7,333 下載

mongoid-sortable 1.0.1

A Mongoid 7.0 module for sorting

7,321 下載

has_jwt_token 0.3.0

HasJwtToken provides JWT autheticationfor models which are kean to use `has_secure_pass...

7,319 下載

obscured-heartbeat 1.5.0

Default database heartbeat ability

7,234 下載

sunat_invoice 0.2.0

Generate and send Electronic Invoices to SUNAT

7,135 下載

haversack 1.0.0

Haversack is an enumberable abstraction of a Knapsack

7,118 下載

ecfr 1.1.2

Ruby client for APIs provided by

7,043 下載

ferto 0.1.0

Ruby API client for Downloader service

6,950 下載

xml_matchers 0.2.2

Validates xml schemas

6,851 下載

schema_matcher 0.1.2

Use power of ruby DSL to validate json!

6,847 下載

sapristi 0.1.32

A gem to rule your apps in GNOME workspaces.

6,808 下載

notion_rb 0.1.3

Unoficial integration with Notion

6,740 下載

notifiable-geo 0.1.4

Geo extensions for Notifiable

6,669 下載

spree_frenet 0.1.2

Spree extension with custom calculators to quote shipments via Frenet

6,614 下載

active_webhook 1.0.0

Simple, efficient, and extensible webhooks for Ruby, including: Rate Limits, Cryptograp...

6,328 下載

bonito 0.2.1

Create realistic demo data by simulating events occurring over some time period

6,319 下載

hsmr 0.0.2

A collection of methods usually implemented in a HSM (Hardware Security Module)

6,260 下載

newspaper_works 1.0.1

Gem/Engine for Newspaper Works in Hyrax-based Samvera Application.

6,192 下載

logux_rails 0.2.0

Logux client for rails

6,121 下載

factory_list 0.1.3

Display factorys & traits list to write good test.

6,052 下載

wikipedia-vandalism_detection 0.1.0

Wikipedia vandalism detection with JRuby.

6,039 下載

obscured-timeline 1.4.0

Obscured::Timeline is a Mongoid extension adds events to a separate collection for an e...

6,012 下載

back_ops 1.0.0

BackOps processes multi-step jobs using Sidekiq in a retry-from-failed fashion.

6,008 下載

dolla 0.1.3

Dolla is a gem that provide payments methods for bank gateways.

5,988 下載

dzero 0.1.3

NCPDP Telecommunications Standard D0 format serializer / parser

5,986 下載

sesc 0.1.10

A simple crawler to list SESC events schedule on Terminal

5,947 下載

vandal 0.0.2

ActiveRecord force destroy records with all related associations

5,926 下載

總下載次數 235,855,294

這個版本 571,826




Ruby 版本需求: >= 3.0.0
