RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para execjs La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren execjs

couch_potato-rspec 4.1.0

RSpec matchers for Couch Potato

8.876 Descargas

eslint-rails-ee 1.0.3

A Rails wrapper for ESLint

8.875 Descargas

backbone_handlebars 0.0.2

Backbone and Handlebars for Rails 3.1+

8.858 Descargas

cargo_wiki 1.0.1

Wiki engine based on Rails 3 engine

8.844 Descargas

middleman-ngannotate 1.0.2

Transform AngularJS code in the asset pipeline to be safe for minification.

8.674 Descargas

traceur-compiler 0.1.2

Traceur compiler

8.600 Descargas

ruby_es6_module_transpiler 0.0.5

Ruby ES6 Module Transpiler is a bridge to the JS ES6 Module Transpiler

8.551 Descargas

asyncjs-rails 0.0.3

async-rails project integrates Async JS for Rails 3/4 Asset Pipeline

8.467 Descargas

ons_openapi 0.1.2

Ruby wrapper around the ONS OpenAPI making easy to quickly retrieve data. It may not ex...

8.466 Descargas

jektex 0.1.1

Highly optimized and cached latex server side rendering for Jekyll with macros and dyna...

8.361 Descargas

vue_rails 1.0.0

initialize Vue Components in Rails Views and server render

8.332 Descargas

libphonenumber-execjs 0.0.2

ExecJS wrapper for Google's libphonenumber library

8.203 Descargas

typescript 0.1.1

Ruby TypeScript is a bridge to the JS TypeScript compiler.

8.154 Descargas

ruboty-hubot 3.0.1

ruboty plugin for using hubot script in ruboty.

8.026 Descargas

traceur-rails 0.0.3

Traceur Compiler supported Javascript with Sprockets

8.003 Descargas

mutton 0.0.12

Handlebar templates on the server and the client

7.931 Descargas

csslint_ruby 0.0.2

Provide an interface to lint css with CSSLint from ruby

7.876 Descargas

newrank 0.3.3

A Crawler for NewRank

7.749 Descargas

sinatra-sprockets 0.0.2

Use Sprockets effectively with Sinatra.

7.734 Descargas

guard-templates 0.0.2

Guard plugin for smart, automatic compilation of your Javascript template files into us...

7.448 Descargas

et_cms 0.0.2

Cms that uses devise, ckeditor, and the twitter bootstraps

7.330 Descargas

esnext 0.10.1

Ruby esnext is a bridge to the JS esnext compiler.

7.140 Descargas

eco_compress 0.0.2

Mnify Eco template

7.048 Descargas

vue-compiler 0.1.6

vue-template-compiler functionality in a gem - compile and parse your vue.js templates

6.987 Descargas


Invoke the Less CSS compiler from Ruby

6.709 Descargas


This framework lets you build & easily layout dashboards with your own custom widge...

6.563 Descargas

jsrb 0.3.0

Jsrb is a template engine to generate JavaScript code in simple Ruby DSL.

6.554 Descargas

coffee-script-multi 0.1.1

Ruby CoffeeScript is a bridge to the JS CoffeeScript compiler.

6.529 Descargas

guard-llsprockets 0.3

Guard::Sprockets automatically packages your javascript files together.

6.490 Descargas

pogo-script 0.0.2

Ruby PogoScript is a bridge to the JS PogoScript compiler.

6.455 Descargas

Total de descargas 319.848.353

Para esta versión 8.051.984



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.5.0
