evergreen 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 evergreen
mercury-rails 0.9.0
A fully featured and advanced HTML5 WYSIWYG editor written in CoffeeScript on top of th...
125,295 下载
kiteditor 1.0.25
This is a fork of the wonderful Mercury Rails WYSIWYG editor, modified very slightly fo...
63,924 下载
cans 0.2.3
Interactive on-line source browser for rack applications
30,539 下载
guard-evergreen 0.0.3
Guard watches files. Evergreen runs tests.
11,793 下载
kuji-mercury-rails 0.3.3
A fully featured and advanced HTML5 WYSIWYG editor written in CoffeeScript on top of th...
7,645 下载
tent-status 0.0.1
Tent app for 140 character posts. Uses Sinatra/Sprockets + CoffeeScript
4,380 下载