RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour eventmachine Latest version of the following gems require eventmachine

eventmachine-distributed-notification 0.2.1

An EventMachine extension to watch OSX's Distributed Notification, posted by iTunes etc.

34 406 Téléchargements

em-beanstalk 0.0.10

EventMachine client for Beanstalkd

33 930 Téléchargements

gerouter 0.2.0

Server application for routing gerrit events to message broker

33 587 Téléchargements

cassilds 0.12.6

A Ruby client for the Cassandra distributed database.

33 397 Téléchargements

metriksd 0.5.7

Server for handling metrics from metriks

33 205 Téléchargements

connect_client 0.3.1

Ruby Connect SDK for interacting with the Connect API

32 952 Téléchargements

bougyman-freeswitcher 0.4.2

========================================================= FreeSWITCHeR Copyright (c) 20...

32 928 Téléchargements

gina-conveyor 1.0.1

Conveyor is used for shuffling data around

32 921 Téléchargements

dnode 0.0.2

With DNode you can tie together servers written in ruby, node.js, and perl. ...

32 841 Téléchargements

grenache-ruby-ws 0.2.13

Websocket client for Grenache

32 760 Téléchargements

funnel 0.1.8

A realtime resource-centric application framework

32 628 Téléchargements

facy 1.2.18

facy: first colorful terminal client for facebook

32 619 Téléchargements


Unified JavaScript runner for browser and command line

32 383 Téléchargements

hector 1.0.9

A private group chat server for people you trust. Implements a limited subset of the IR...

32 349 Téléchargements

graphite 0.2.0

Ruby client for sending stats to Graphite

32 336 Téléchargements


LOL a scrobbler.

32 229 Téléchargements

laziness 0.2.6

Laziness wraps the Slack API in a Ruby gem so Ruby programs can easily communicate with...

32 205 Téléchargements

clarity 0.9.8

Clarity - a log search tool By John Tajima & Tobi Lütke Clarity is a Splunk like web i...

32 129 Téléchargements

tapyrus 0.3.5

The implementation of Tapyrus Protocol for Ruby.

32 116 Téléchargements

rubySC 0.8.0

simple library to create easily music in ruby. You can consider this lib as an interfac...

31 931 Téléchargements

muzang-plugins 1.1.6

Plugins for Muzang IRC bot

31 888 Téléchargements

resque_to_cloudwatch 1.6.0

Submit Resque queue lengths to Cloudwatch

31 805 Téléchargements

asynchro 0.4.0

Provides a number of tools to help make developing and testing asynchronous application...

31 752 Téléchargements

gibier 0.8.17

This is a simple slideshow app using Hyalite( Its p...

31 634 Téléchargements

puggernaut 0.2.3

Simple server push implementation using eventmachine and long polling

31 480 Téléchargements

received 0.5.1

Currently stores received mail in MongoDB

31 253 Téléchargements

contrails 0.2.6

Declarative concurrency for EventMachine

31 138 Téléchargements

omf_sfa 0.2.7

OMF's Aggregate manager with SFA and new REST API.

31 011 Téléchargements

shadowsocks 0.12

shadowsocks-ruby is a lightweight tunnel proxy which can help you get through firewalls.

30 789 Téléchargements

screw_server 0.1.14

Screw Server - easy javascript unit tests

30 570 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 237 206 275

Pour cette version 131 564 546


Ruby, GPL-2.0

Version de Ruby requise: >= 0
