RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour eventmachine Latest version of the following gems require eventmachine

bloom_filter 0.6.6

A simple BloomFilter implementation, usable in-process or as an EventMachine daemon.

40 264 Téléchargements

mgparser 0.1.14

MGParser (MGP) is a tool which makes analysis of Mediatrix ISDN gateways debug a much s...

40 261 Téléchargements

fenris 0.1.2

An authentication and service location service.

39 730 Téléchargements

stomping_ground 0.10

Mock Stomp server to be used when testing stomp consumers

39 699 Téléchargements

viaduct-toolkit 1.0.12

A set of useful tools to help developers use & manage their Viaduct applications.

39 630 Téléchargements

goshrine_bot 0.2.0

The GoShrine bot client is a library that allows you connect a local Go playing program...

39 554 Téléchargements

chirpstream 0.1.0

Eventmachine-based Chirpstream client

39 318 Téléchargements

bitfinex-rb 1.0.8

Official Bitfinex API ruby wrapper

39 271 Téléchargements

irix 2.6.0

Irix is implementing several crypto-exchange for Arke and Peatio.

38 946 Téléchargements

nephelae 0.2.0

Nephelae is a daemon process that will upload custom cloud watch metrics in AWS

38 780 Téléchargements

distribustream 0.5.1

DistribuStream is a fully open peercasting system allowing on-demand or live streaming ...

38 571 Téléchargements

lds-cf-plugin 0.4.4

Cloud Foundry commands for LDS PaaS.

38 518 Téléchargements

trellis 0.1.1

A component based web framework

38 151 Téléchargements

librevox 0.9

EventMachine-based Ruby library for interacting with the open source telephony platform...

37 491 Téléchargements


Daemon Kit aims to simplify creating Ruby daemons by providing a sound application skel...

37 202 Téléchargements

em-xmpp 0.0.12

XMPP client for event machine

37 189 Téléchargements

emdrb 0.4.2

This is a distributed Ruby client and server which should work as a drop-in replacement...

37 120 Téléchargements

em-zmq-tp10 0.1.19

Implementation of ZMQ2.x transport protocol - ZMTP1.0

36 985 Téléchargements

pmux-gw 0.1.12

Pmux gateway is an executor for Pmux through HTTP request

36 730 Téléchargements

ExistRuby 2022.2.2

Exist ruby. Auto service discovery in the LAN.

36 475 Téléchargements

steam_hlds_log_parser 0.5.3

Steam Hlds Log Parser listens to UDP log packets sent by your (local or remote) HLDS ga...

36 365 Téléchargements

wtails 0.2.2

Webserver acts like 'tails -f'

36 310 Téléchargements

qrpc 0.9.1

Queued RPC client and server. Works as normal RPC server, but through queue interface, ...

36 090 Téléchargements

roma 1.3.0

ROMA is one of the data storing systems for distributed key-value stores. It is a compl...

35 728 Téléchargements

rtunnel 0.4.1

Reverse tunnel server and client.

35 686 Téléchargements

hipbot 1.0.4

Hipbot is a XMPP bot for HipChat, written in Ruby with EventMachine.

35 588 Téléchargements

weeter 0.19.4

Weeter subscribes to a set of twitter users or search terms using Twitter's streaming A...

35 432 Téléchargements

optic-rails 1.3.4 is the easiest way to get notified when business metrics change. This gem i...

35 275 Téléchargements

fluent-plugin-cloudstack 0.1.3

Fluentd input plugin to get usages and events from CloudStack API

35 009 Téléchargements

rabbithutch 0.1.5

RabbitMq Trace Logger - Listen to multiple RabbitMq instances and log them to a single...

34 490 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 236 893 872

Pour cette version 131 261 468


Ruby, GPL-2.0

Version de Ruby requise: >= 0
