escape 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 escape
outoftime-shell_elf 0.9.1
Daemon which executes shell commands read out of a Starling queue and optionally posts ...
5,881 下载
pallan-sunspot_rails 0.9.12
Rails integration for the Sunspot Solr search library
5,803 下载
ssoroka-sunspot_rails 0.10.6
Rails integration for the Sunspot Solr search library
5,771 下载
data_miner-ruby19 0.5.4
Mine remote data into your ActiveRecord models. You can also perform associations and c...
5,318 下载
inception 0.1.0
Create an inception server for Bosh & general inception of new universes
5,220 下载
erichummel-sunspot_solr 2.0.0.pre.111215d
Sunspot::Solr provides a bundled Solr distribution for use with Sunspot. Typical de...
4,944 下载
nxa-sunspot_rails 0.11.3
Sunspot::Rails is an extension to the Sunspot library for Solr search. Sunspot::Rails a...
4,704 下载
rugem 0.0.1
rugem is a wrapper of ruby command that can use gem library with -r option
4,661 下载
The wrapper utility for texvc command
4,604 下载
gitconfig 0.0.1
Keep your local configuration in git's config
4,567 下载
remote_table-ruby19 0.2.30
Remotely open and parse Excel XLS, ODS, CSV and fixed-width tables.
4,544 下载
cocoapods-square-stable 0.19.3
Fix copy resources script for iOS < 6 & Fix UTF-8 on install for Ruby 1.9.3
4,491 下载
itunes-controller 0.1.0
A application to control enable iTunes to be operated on a headless server without the ...
4,351 下载
mfe 1.1
A program which remembers and executes brief scripts.
4,180 下载
benjaminkrause-sunspot_rails 0.10.5
Rails integration for the Sunspot Solr search library
4,045 下载
swf-pipes 0.3.9
Various classes for dealing with system type pipes in linux
4,031 下载
bsy-sunspot_rails 0.10.4
Rails integration for the Sunspot Solr search library
3,964 下载
etree 0.2.0
Scripts for converting flac files posted to to MP3
3,918 下载
crazy-yard 3.2.2
This gem allows you to deploy your rails application to the Engine Yard cloud directly ...
3,893 下载
rere 0.0.1
Bundles solr in a gem
3,704 下载
kristopher-sunspot_rails 0.10.6
Rails integration for the Sunspot Solr search library
3,546 下载
xcocoapods 1.5.3
CocoaPods manages library dependencies for your Xcode project. You specify the depende...
2,715 下载