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erubis 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 erubis

malt 0.4.0

Malt provides a factory framework for rendering a variety of template and markup docume...

20,623 下载

mixml 0.9.5

Never use XSLT again...

20,152 下载

slideoff 0.4.0

Slideoff is a presentation tool that displays markdown-formatted slides

19,847 下载

gem_constructor 0.0.7

Gem skeleton builder using bundler and rspec

19,765 下载

luobo 0.1.3

Luobo is an easy to extend code generator.

19,698 下载

hoopla_salesforce 0.0.5

Helpers for building projects

19,586 下载

imagesite 1.0.9

OS X's iPhoto software had a feature that exported photos to a static web site. iPhoto ...

19,418 下载

hamlboard 0.0.6

Just a quick way to convert html to haml and put it in your clipboard.

19,368 下载

smart_monkey 0.5.0

iOS Monkey test tool base on UIAutomation.

19,011 下载

protobuf-generate 0.2.3

A simple PEG parser, AST and template based approach to code generation.

18,996 下载

twittbot 0.6.0

Twittbot is an advanced Twitter bot. See the README for more info.

18,775 下载

spectat-jekyll 0.3.1

Opinionated Jekyll + Capistrano configuration for Spectat Designs sites

18,522 下载

nineteen-eighty-two 0.1.9

© 1982 Sinclair Research Ltd.

18,432 下载

cbt 0.0.1

Cbt is a bundle of tools for build and test corona based applications.

18,083 下载

rbdock 0.2.1

Generate Dockerfile for ruby or running rails/sinatra.

18,076 下载

hyhyhy 1.0.0

A tool for creating nice looking HTML5 presentations.

17,993 下载

big_money 1.2.2

BigDecimal backed amount of money in a particular currency.

17,849 下载

swineherd 0.0.6

Swineherd is for running scripts and workflows on filesystems.

17,836 下载

danmayer-resume 0.0.4

A gem for Dan Mayer's resume

17,741 下载

polytrix 0.1.4

A polyglot test runner for sample code

17,497 下载

padrino_bootstrap_forms 0.1.2

Padrino Bootstrap Forms is a port of Seth Vargo's Bootstrap Forms for Rails. It...

17,178 下载

rails3b 3.0.1

My kingdom for working dependencies.

16,856 下载

divine 0.0.5

A simple data serialization generator for java, ruby and javascript

16,760 下载

letter_generator 0.2.2

Generate letters

16,750 下载


A very simple and boring blogging engine for Rails.

16,695 下载

tnargav 1.3.6

Vagrant is a tool for building and distributing virtualized development environments.

16,587 下载

basis 1.1.0

Basis is a project skeleton generator. It'll have more docs at some point. 1.x release...

16,510 下载

atchu 0.0.6

Reverse engineer DB with composite keys to Active Records

16,503 下载


Tetrahedron is an opinionated web development framework.

16,384 下载

ptero 1.0.6

Ruby on Rails-style MVC framework for PHP. Builds fast and clean projects in seconds wi...

16,343 下载

下载总量 269,663,292

这个版本 262,290,842


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