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erubis 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 erubis

leecher 1.1.1

A server populates a queue, this client downloads those files

26,441 下载

Pratt 1.6.8

Need a way to keep track of your time, but get caught up in work? Or constant interrupt...

26,234 下载

chester 0.4.0

This project use coffeescript and MVC to create an awesome framework for the Titanium s...

26,195 下载

odania_ops 0.0.14

Ops tools for managing servers

26,160 下载

tiny 0.2.8

Tiny is a tiny framework agnostic markup builder, useful for building view helpers on i...

25,302 下载

rutemaweb 0.9.5

== DESCRIPTION: rutemaweb is the web frontend for rutema. It can be used as a viewer ...

25,301 下载

atum 0.10.1

A Ruby client generator for JSON APIs described with a JSON schema

25,262 下载

elkinsware-erubis_rails_helper 0.9.5

Drop in replacement for the Rails integration in the Erubis gem so that Erubis will wor...

24,939 下载

activerecord-count_loader 0.3.3

N+1 count query killer for ActiveRecord

24,826 下载

skiima 0.3.5

Skiima helps to manage SQL objects like views and functions

24,669 下载

pbosetti-flotr 1.3.8

Flotr (pron. like "plotter") is a Ruby plotter via flot.

24,156 下载

horoscope 1.0.3

Calculate the horoscope of a person given the birth date and time

24,098 下载


webgen is used to generate static websites from templates and content files (which can ...

24,032 下载

nuodb 2.0.3

An easy to use database API for the NuoDB distributed database.

23,381 下载

cfn2dsl 0.4.1

A tool to convert CloudFormation templates into a Ruby DSL cfndsl

23,323 下载

minfra-cli 4.5.0

A cli framework for k8s based development and deployment.

23,271 下载

indoctrinatr-tools 0.17.0

indoctrinatr-tools provides a set of command line tools for Indoctrinatr (an Open Sourc...

23,045 下载

coffee-processing 0.0.6

Helps writing Processing.js sketches in Coffeescript

22,776 下载

wbzyl-sinatra-rdiscount 0.10.1

Sinatra extension providing RDiscount templates for Sinatra application.

22,415 下载

jrubysql 0.1.8

SQL client for any JDBC-compliant database. Written in JRuby.

22,389 下载

debug-bar 1.2.0

Base generic debug bar implementation.

22,147 下载

modularize_sinatra 0.0.8

Code Generator for Sinatra

22,013 下载

curriculum-generator 1.0.7

Curriculum Vitae generator

21,700 下载

markd 0.2.2

markd is html builder for markdown, textile and wiki. markd makes well-formatted html w...

21,544 下载


Merb. Pocket rocket web framework.

21,517 下载

noc 1.0.0

A description of your project

21,431 下载

kitchen-cabinet 3.0.0

`kitchen-cabinet` will create a chef cookbook skeleton complete with testing suite incl...

21,057 下载

hammer_builder 0.3.2

Fast extensible ruby html5 builder

21,017 下载

flotr 1.3.12

Flotr (pron. like "plotter") is a Ruby plotter via flot.

20,963 下载

aws-carb 0.0.9

a tool for provisioning ec2 instances with a templated cloudinit configuration, with th...

20,639 下载

下载总量 269,564,940

这个版本 262,192,621


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