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erb_lint 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 erb_lint

view_component 3.21.0

A framework for building reusable, testable & encapsulated view components in Ruby on R...

39,215,769 下載

pronto-erb_lint 0.1.6

Pronto runner for ERB Lint, erb code analyzer

513,115 下載

decidim-dev 0.29.2

Utilities and tools we need to develop Decidim

265,897 下載

erblint-github 1.0.1

Template style checking for GitHub Ruby repositories

88,332 下載

wcc-contentful 1.7.2

Contentful API wrapper library exposing an ActiveRecord-like interface

59,745 下載

wcc-contentful-app 1.7.2

Models, Controllers, and Views common to Watermark Church apps

43,395 下載

publify_core 10.0.2

Core engine for the Publify blogging system, formerly known as Typo.

35,627 下載

niftany 0.12.0

Combining "nittany" and "nifty" into one, super-nice gem that lints all our code at once.

29,253 下載

wcc-contentful-middleman 1.6.0

Middleman plugin for creating pages from Contentful

24,011 下載

immosquare-cleaner 0.1.63

Immosquare-cleaner streamlines Rails applications by running tools like RuboCop, ERBLin...

19,008 下載

rubocop-rickselby 0.53.0

Code styling for my projects

18,665 下載

umarell 1.5.0

All in one Ruby static code analyzer

11,201 下載


Keep your repo clean with simple CI rules

9,439 下載

govuk-design-system-rails 0.10.3

An implementation of the govuk-frontend macros in Ruby on Rails

6,568 下載

permadeps 1446.1.10

Ruby gem holds my permanent dependencies and configs I'm using in my Rails projects

3,082 下載

guard-erb_lint 1.0.1

Guard plugin for erb_lint

2,652 下載

rails-lint 1.0.4

k0va1's rubocop template for Rails projects

1,953 下載

craby 0.0.4

Craby is just a quick test suite setup for Rails application

1,838 下載

panda-core 0.1.11

Shared development tools, configurations, and utilities for Panda CMS and its related p...

1,735 下載

capy-spec 0.0.3

capy-spec is a aggregation for rails application

1,284 下載

yattho_view_components 0.1.1

ViewComponents for the NearchX's Design System

1,074 下載

panda-cms 0.7.3

Better websites on Rails.

502 下載

總下載次數 12,265,336

這個版本 343,692




Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.7.0
