Dépendances inversées pour epub-parser Latest version of the following gems require epub-parser
epub-maker 0.1.9
This library supports making and editing EPUB books
40 519 Téléchargements
epub-search 0.0.6
Provides tool and library of full text search for EPUB books
19 032 Téléchargements
pirka 0.2.0
Pirka highlights source code syntax in EPUB books
18 906 Téléchargements
epub-directory 0.1.6
Builds EPUB directory static site from EPUB files, package documents or Web Publication...
12 431 Téléchargements
ebook_library 0.3.0
generate an organized library from a local ebook directory.
2 690 Téléchargements
epub-translator 0.2.2
Tools to translate EPUB books
2 410 Téléchargements
bibi-cli 0.1.0
Command-line tools to work with Bibi, incliding bibi publish which uploads EPUB files t...
2 039 Téléchargements