RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para dry-types La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren dry-types

querylicious 0.5.0

An opinionated search query parser

14.244 Descargas

eventsimple 1.5.3

Event sourcing toolkit using Rails and ActiveJob

13.920 Descargas

tensai-core 0.1.7

Core module for Tensai

13.889 Descargas

nxt_schema 1.0.2

Write a longer description or delete this line.

13.804 Descargas

prolog-dry_types 0.3.4

Dry::Types typedefs found to be generally useful. Replaces deprecated prolog-dry-types.

13.677 Descargas

pr-pin 0.7.2

Pin Payments API wrapper inplemented using rom-rb HTTP adapter.

13.628 Descargas

nova-api 1.4.7

This gem was designed to be used as an easy way to comunicate with the Nova.Money API

13.010 Descargas

etcher 2.3.0

A monadic configuration loader, transformer, and validator.

12.894 Descargas

sample_data_dump_postgres_data_store 0.0.5

Data storage for `sample_data_dump` gem - PostgreSQL

12.841 Descargas

foucault_http 0.5.2

Http Network Functions.

12.418 Descargas

dry_validation_parser 0.1.12

A parser which converts dry-validation contract schema into a readable hash for further...

12.335 Descargas

level_travel 0.7.0

Wrapper for API

11.791 Descargas

modern 0.5.0

The OpenAPI-driven web framework for Ruby.

11.437 Descargas

sample_data_dump_aws_s3_compressed_dump_storage 0.0.4

Compressed dump storage for `sample_data_dump` gem - AWS S3

11.368 Descargas

sample_data_dump 0.0.4

Generic sample data dump utility

11.249 Descargas

we_ship_client 1.2.0

API client for We Ship Express V2.

11.196 Descargas

mettlr 0.1.4

API Interface to Mettl

11.173 Descargas

statics 2.0.0

Base class and modules for static models.

11.130 Descargas

creed 0.5.0

Command pattern for Rails

11.085 Descargas

kanji-web 0.3.1

A strongly Typed GraphQL API

10.983 Descargas

rubycube 0.4.0

CUBE (Composable Units of Behaviour) implements Interfaces, Traits and typechecks for R...

10.864 Descargas

rubycube 0.4.0

CUBE (Composable Units of Behaviour) implements Interfaces, Traits and typechecks for R...

10.864 Descargas

excom 1.0.0

Flexible and highly extensible Services for business logic organization

10.835 Descargas

organism-ui 0.2.16

A collection of ui components implemented in cells.

10.832 Descargas

solrbee 0.5.0

Solr buzz

10.791 Descargas

housecanary-ruby 0.2.2

Ruby wrapper for the HouseCanary Data & Analytics API.

10.549 Descargas

tinder_client 0.1.6

A client for Tinder written in Ruby

10.509 Descargas

realm-core 0.7.6

Domain layer framework following Domain-driven/CQRS design principles

9.864 Descargas

snowpack 1.0.0.alpha7

Lightweight application framework for Icelab

9.810 Descargas

e_plat 0.9.9

Creates a single interface for integrating with ecommerce platform APIs.

9.275 Descargas

Total de descargas 120.892.878

Para esta versión 5.133.313

Versión publicada:



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 3.0
