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Dependencias inversas para dry-configurable La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren dry-configurable

prefatory 0.1.2

Sometimes you need to collect data before you can write it to the database. ...

3.426 Descargas

rpetri 0.1.1

Testing ruby code with Petri nets

3.412 Descargas

credit_card_info 0.2.0

Fetch credit card info from with configurable fallback to https://gith...

3.288 Descargas

rawg_api 0.1.2

A ruby API wrapper for API v1.0

3.228 Descargas

moloni_api 0.2.1

A gem that implements functions from the Moloni API available for its users.

3.223 Descargas

is_my_sidekiq_ok 0.2.0

Define limits and see if Sidekiq is running within those.

3.220 Descargas

fantasticstay_api 0.1.6

A gem that implements functions from the FS API available for its users.

3.124 Descargas

yabeda-statsd 0.1.2

Adapter for reporting custom metrics from Yabeda to Statsd server.

3.077 Descargas

rodakase 0.0.1

Lightweight web application stack on top of Roda

3.008 Descargas

f_http_client 0.2.1

Gem to provade a base for an HTTP client using FService architecture

2.954 Descargas

keycloak_rails 1.0.0

A rails wrapper for open source SSO project Keycloak.

2.880 Descargas

asset_mapper 1.0.1

A tightly scoped directory parser and json file generator.

2.774 Descargas

qiwi_observer 0.2.1

Allows you to request information on the user profile, paymen...

2.713 Descargas

stimulizer 0.2.2

Stimulizer provides convenience methods for working with StimulusJS in views, templates...

2.639 Descargas

researchable_jwt-authenticable 1.2.0

Researchable's JwtAuthenticable relies on Json Web Tokens to deal with authentication.

2.497 Descargas

travis_skipper 0.1.0

Skips duplicated build on travis

2.463 Descargas

rrb-common 0.1.8

A set of common classes, modules, and functions for Rune.rb.

2.331 Descargas

hanamimastery-cli 0.3.1

A set of command line utility scripts helping with producing Hanami Mastery content.

2.323 Descargas

gemfather 2.3.1

Library that helps to generate high-quality API clients

2.295 Descargas

similarweb-api 0.0.1

Simple ruby wrapper for SimilarWeb API

2.109 Descargas

news_api 0.1.0

An API wrapper for News API v2

2.093 Descargas

dsapi 0.0.1

Ruby client to consume Joyent's SmartOS Dataset API. More info at https://datasets.joye...

2.077 Descargas

host_status 0.1.0

A generalized facade that aggregates metrics for a given host running a particular appl...

2.033 Descargas

matchd 0.1.0

Let's you use Async::DNS as a server daemon and configure it using yaml files. No writi...

2.031 Descargas

rkn_ip_lookup 0.1.0

Fuck RKN

2.029 Descargas

tiny-gate 1.0.0

This is an authentication client for all TINYpulse apps which use single sign on.

1.980 Descargas

es_log 0.1.0

Tracing for Ruby microservices through Elasticsearch

1.972 Descargas

zerossl 0.1.0

Ruby client to obtain SSL certificate from ZeroSSL via REST API

1.966 Descargas

iexcloud 0.0.0

Wrapper for the IEX Cloud API.

1.950 Descargas

share_urls 1.0.0

Ruby client for Dynamic shareable links

1.941 Descargas

Total de descargas 110.309.197

Para esta versión 5.985.026



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 3.0.0
