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Dépendances inversées pour dry-configurable Latest version of the following gems require dry-configurable

prefatory 0.1.2

Sometimes you need to collect data before you can write it to the database. ...

3 430 Téléchargements

rpetri 0.1.1

Testing ruby code with Petri nets

3 414 Téléchargements

credit_card_info 0.2.0

Fetch credit card info from with configurable fallback to https://gith...

3 300 Téléchargements

moloni_api 0.2.1

A gem that implements functions from the Moloni API available for its users.

3 236 Téléchargements

rawg_api 0.1.2

A ruby API wrapper for API v1.0

3 230 Téléchargements

is_my_sidekiq_ok 0.2.0

Define limits and see if Sidekiq is running within those.

3 226 Téléchargements

fantasticstay_api 0.1.6

A gem that implements functions from the FS API available for its users.

3 136 Téléchargements

yabeda-statsd 0.1.2

Adapter for reporting custom metrics from Yabeda to Statsd server.

3 079 Téléchargements

rodakase 0.0.1

Lightweight web application stack on top of Roda

3 009 Téléchargements

f_http_client 0.2.1

Gem to provade a base for an HTTP client using FService architecture

2 968 Téléchargements

keycloak_rails 1.0.0

A rails wrapper for open source SSO project Keycloak.

2 890 Téléchargements

asset_mapper 1.0.1

A tightly scoped directory parser and json file generator.

2 779 Téléchargements

qiwi_observer 0.2.1

Allows you to request information on the user profile, paymen...

2 714 Téléchargements

stimulizer 0.2.2

Stimulizer provides convenience methods for working with StimulusJS in views, templates...

2 649 Téléchargements

researchable_jwt-authenticable 1.2.0

Researchable's JwtAuthenticable relies on Json Web Tokens to deal with authentication.

2 508 Téléchargements

travis_skipper 0.1.0

Skips duplicated build on travis

2 464 Téléchargements

rrb-common 0.1.8

A set of common classes, modules, and functions for Rune.rb.

2 341 Téléchargements

hanamimastery-cli 0.3.1

A set of command line utility scripts helping with producing Hanami Mastery content.

2 335 Téléchargements

gemfather 2.3.1

Library that helps to generate high-quality API clients

2 307 Téléchargements

similarweb-api 0.0.1

Simple ruby wrapper for SimilarWeb API

2 111 Téléchargements

news_api 0.1.0

An API wrapper for News API v2

2 096 Téléchargements

dsapi 0.0.1

Ruby client to consume Joyent's SmartOS Dataset API. More info at https://datasets.joye...

2 079 Téléchargements

host_status 0.1.0

A generalized facade that aggregates metrics for a given host running a particular appl...

2 035 Téléchargements

matchd 0.1.0

Let's you use Async::DNS as a server daemon and configure it using yaml files. No writi...

2 034 Téléchargements

rkn_ip_lookup 0.1.0

Fuck RKN

2 030 Téléchargements

tiny-gate 1.0.0

This is an authentication client for all TINYpulse apps which use single sign on.

1 981 Téléchargements

es_log 0.1.0

Tracing for Ruby microservices through Elasticsearch

1 974 Téléchargements

zerossl 0.1.0

Ruby client to obtain SSL certificate from ZeroSSL via REST API

1 967 Téléchargements

iexcloud 0.0.0

Wrapper for the IEX Cloud API.

1 952 Téléchargements

share_urls 1.0.0

Ruby client for Dynamic shareable links

1 942 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 110 497 306

Pour cette version 5 629



Version de Ruby requise: >= 3.0.0
