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dm-validations 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 dm-validations

valibot 0.2.8

Automatic field validation for forms backed by DataMapper models through Sinatra.

13,846 下載

scrapescrobbler 0.2

Scrapescobbler is a tool to submit tracks you're listening to on an old-fashioned radio...

13,472 下載

fox 0.6.3

Commandline interface and library to the Fox Scientific Paper Suite

12,994 下載


Simple authentication plugin for sinatra.

12,047 下載

jmcnevin-delayed_job 2.0.6

Delayed_job (or DJ) encapsulates the common pattern of asynchronously executing longer ...

11,796 下載

rivendell-db 0.4

Rivendell database mapping

11,082 下載

machinist-dm 0.0.2

Allows Machinist 2 to operate with DataMapper instead of ActiveRecord

10,939 下載

dm-pg-types 0.8.2

DataMapper plugin providing HSTORE and ARRAY datatype support for postgres

10,397 下載

ixtlan-gettext 0.1.3

helper to use fast_gettext with datamapper/ixtlan

10,300 下載

aviary 1.0.2

Aviary generates a static photo gallery using Twitter

9,848 下載

dm-is-localizable 1.0.0

Datamapper support for localization of content in multilanguage applications

9,411 下載

dm-validations-ext 0.0.2

DataMapper plugin providing better error messages handling.

9,204 下載

lifelog 0.2.1

A lifelogging tool written in Ramaze

8,455 下載

jmazzi-atnotify 0.0.4

Sends you an email when someone @replies you on twitter.

8,114 下載

request_lumberjack 0.0.2

A simple request logger to be used with Rails and other Rack apps.

8,013 下載

pilu-terror 0.3.0

Terror the micro feed aggregator

7,895 下載

friendly_id_datamapper 3.2.0

An adapter for using DataMapper::Resource with FriendlyId.

7,712 下載

ptj 0.1.1

An easy way to collect and analyze data about password databases.

7,398 下載

ptj 0.1.1

An easy way to collect and analyze data about password databases.

7,398 下載

jm81-attach 0.3.0

This is a library I've developed for attachments, because I just don't like the others ...

7,283 下載

carpeliam-dm-slug 0.9.10

Manages your slug so you don't have to.

6,482 下載

adrift 0.0.1

Simplistic attachment management

6,229 下載

maxjustus-sinatra-authentication 0.0.2

Simple authentication plugin for sinatra.

6,133 下載

kematzy-dm-is-published 0.0.3

= dm-is-published This plugin makes it very easy to add different states to your model...

5,889 下載

jm81-dm-svn 0.2.0

Sync content from a Subversion repository to a DataMapper model

5,758 下載

delayed-job-ajaycb 2.0.10

Delayed_job (or DJ) encapsulates the common pattern of asynchronously executing longer ...

5,673 下載

dm-accepts_nested_attributes_for 1.2.0

A datamapper plugin that allows nested model assignment like activerecord.

5,575 下載

snusnu-merb_resource_controller 0.2.0

A merb plugin that provides the default restful actions for controllers.

5,572 下載

dm-googlebase 0.1.1

A DataMapper adapter for Google Base

5,219 下載


DelayedJob for use form within a Merb application

5,122 下載

總下載次數 2,427,777

這個版本 2,063,331


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