Dépendances inversées pour diesel Latest version of the following gems require diesel
watchmaker 0.2.2
Extract test setup and factory instantiation into reusable objects
22 926 Téléchargements
mobile_path 0.2.0
Mobile Path provides you with a mobile sub-domain and a new view path for mobile content.
7 737 Téléchargements
materializer 0.0.1
Persist serialization in the model.
6 225 Téléchargements
velir_identity_engine 0.1.5
Instant auth/authz engine for Velir Identity client apps
4 384 Téléchargements
seedable 0.0.1
Allows for quick serialization/deserialization of objects for moving between environments.
4 247 Téléchargements
histomatic 0.0.1.beta.1
Quick 'n dirty histograms.
2 498 Téléchargements