RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour deep_merge Latest version of the following gems require deep_merge

railsful 0.3.0

This gem provides useful helper functions to interaact with JSON API.

10 658 Téléchargements

erber 0.1.2

A simple tool for wrangling ERBs and dumb data.

10 531 Téléchargements

magnetize 2.3.0

CLI/library for generating Magento local.xml files

9 011 Téléchargements

dbum 0.0.3

A no-nonsense, JSON-based key-value store.

8 670 Téléchargements

typed-config 1.4.1

Manage multi-environment settings with type-safety in Ruby

8 187 Téléchargements

hyperflow-amqp-executor 1.0.1

AMQP job executor for Hyperflow workflow engine (

8 102 Téléchargements


A CLI to facilitate easy, unified development workflows for Puppet modules.

7 915 Téléchargements

madcat 1.0.8

Katzeklo, Katzeklo...

7 888 Téléchargements

guard-bosh 0.3.0

Fast feedback when developing BOSH releases

7 866 Téléchargements

noteman 0.1.1

A tool for managing your markdown notes.

7 846 Téléchargements


GEM providing helper scripts to manage i18n translations in Google Docgem. Features: ch...

7 817 Téléchargements

hiera-simulator 0.2.3

Used to pre-test changes in a Puppet codebase

7 430 Téléchargements

zebra 1.0.1

Zebra is a HTTP proxy server that uses ZMQ as the wire protocol between HTTP proxy gate...

7 351 Téléchargements

ongr_deploy 0.1.1

Capistrano extension

6 980 Téléchargements

flutter 0.3.0

Plug in for RSpec & Minitest test suites to run only the tests that exercise the code...

6 968 Téléchargements

eventbrite-api-v3 0.0.7

This gem allows easy integration with Eventbrite API v3.

6 940 Téléchargements

plister 0.2.0

A utility for programmatically setting OS X plist file preferences

6 761 Téléchargements

mini_hiera 0.1.2

Library resolve keys into data from a hierarchy of context-specific values

6 594 Téléchargements

hdeploy 0.1.2

HDeploy tool

6 362 Téléchargements

rndr 0.0.4

rndr is a tool that simply renders Ruby erb templates for use with other applications.

6 023 Téléchargements

rom-dynamodb 2.2.0

DynamoDB adapter for Ruby Object Mapper

5 982 Téléchargements

cuke-api-docs 0.0.2

Cucumber formatter that produces HTML API documentation

5 914 Téléchargements

popito 0.0.10.alpha

WIP: This gem is not ready yet.

5 911 Téléchargements

hollerith 0.0.8

Trigger code through a series of hooks and run code in loops and through conditions.

5 783 Téléchargements

jekyll-get-books 0.0.5

Fetch and safe meta information for books from the Google Book API for a Jekyll Site. F...

5 717 Téléchargements

webash 0.1.2

Expose your bash scripts to browser

5 612 Téléchargements

jekyll-waxify 0.1.2

A Jekyll plugin that installs basic minicomp/wax components

5 561 Téléchargements

shanty 0.2.0

See for more information!

5 411 Téléchargements

flapjack_configurator 1.1.0

FlapjackConfigurator loads a user specified config from YAML files and loads them idemp...

5 200 Téléchargements

confset 1.1.0

Easiest way to manage multi-environment settings in any ruby project or framework:

5 069 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 77 164 594

Pour cette version 32 216 619



Version de Ruby requise: >= 0
