RubyGems Navigation menu

debugger 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 debugger

bcms_garment_district 0.1.2

Allow Markdown and Textile to be used for BrowserCMS content.

24,780 下载

artk 0.4.0

Provides a Rails interface to Archivist's Toolkit

24,708 下载

idhja22 2.0.1


24,607 下载

phone_gap-build 0.7.0

PhoneGap Build Api gem

24,565 下载

pdf_tempura 0.0.2

A gem for overlaying text and other fields onto PDF templates using Prawn.

24,436 下载

review_and_approve 0.0.8

Adds Review and Approval functionality for content sites.

23,968 下载

bikeshare 0.0.9

A Ruby wrapper for Bay Area Bike Share bike and station information.

23,528 下载

lyre 0.1.4

Awesome mocks of external REST API dependencies

23,212 下载

resque-remote-namespace 1.0.0

Remotely enqueueing and dequeueing jobs across Redis namespaces should be simpler. ...

22,964 下载

accountly 0.0.7

Lightweight administration on top of lobby-gem

22,879 下载

url_processor 0.5.6

Fast and easy way to validate tons of urls without locking up your system or eating up ...

22,847 下载

tsundere 0.2.1

Any given object can implement the tsundere interface. Once implemented, a tsundere obj...

22,656 下载

clearsaleID 1.4.1

clearsale gem to use Clearsale ClearID service

22,043 下载

rails_agnostic_models 0.0.8

The purpose of this project is to ease the pain of upgrading Rails versions by abstract...

21,922 下载

markov_uuid 0.0.7

People friendly readable UUIDs

21,709 下载

profit 0.1.7

This is a client/server combination that allows you to profile code and send the result...

21,668 下载

hive-toolbelt 2.0.4

All you need for developing Hive apps.

21,456 下载

con_air 0.0.7

Connection hijacking for ActiveRecord

21,323 下载

simple-git-pair 0.3.1

Simple way to add your pair to a git commit message

21,256 下载

campfiyah 0.0.6

A simple faraday based Campfire API

20,992 下载

baidu-sms 0.0.6

Baidu Search Marketing Service API

20,704 下载

left_side 1.0.3

It provide left_side and highlight function web app, base on cells and for rails app

20,674 下载

spinal_tap 0.2.0

Backdoor into your long running ruby processes.

20,650 下载

shearwater 0.1.4

Shearwater is a tiny framework for managing migrations in an everything-agnostic way. I...

20,507 下载

acts_as_word_cloud 0.0.4

Returns values for specified methods on each object containing mixix and values from ge...

20,461 下载

pipeline_dealers 0.0.7

API client for PipelineDeals

20,373 下载

socks 0.2.11.beta

An in-development web framework using Rack.

20,085 下载

mail_male_mail 0.0.6

extend actionmailer to work with multiple mail providers

19,920 下载

open_taobao 0.2.2


19,849 下载

sredder 0.0.8

Sred the gnarl of tracking the wriketious deeds.

19,741 下载

下载总量 5,534,630

这个版本 2,003,396



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 0

需要的 RubyGems 版本: >= 1.3.6
