RubyGems Navigation menu

debug 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 debug

boxcars-station 0.1.1

You simply add and configure the engine, and you have a new powerful tool to get things...

1,005 下載

cocoapods-dependencies-list 1.0.0

List dependencies from cocoapods in an easily parseable format.

968 下載

solar_terms_24 1.0.1

It uses JPL Horizons System API to calculate the accurate solar terms' times and can tr...

963 下載

pinboard_logseq 0.1.2

Export from Pinboard to Logseq

937 下載

envirobly-orchestra 0.4.3

Container orchestration agent.

859 下載

yabeda-hanami 0.1.1

Easy collecting your Hanami apps metrics

824 下載

ghx 0.4.0

An object oriented wrapper around some GitHub API calls that aren't covered by Octokit

805 下載

flexi-json 0.4.2

A versatile Ruby gem designed for manipulating JSON data. With functionalities for sear...

745 下載

dev_snap 0.1.9

Development Snapshot - incremental backup utility

673 下載

roleback 0.2.0

Roleback provides a simple DSL to define RBAC rules for your application.

617 下載

dependaboat 0.4.0

Create GitHub Issues and GitHub Project Items from Dependabot alerts

595 下載

gridy 0.1.4

Ruby on Rails grid made easy

589 下載

gai18n 0.1.1

Use Generative AI to generate I18n translations.

575 下載

notion-model 0.1.0

A ruby gem that allows you to read, write, and update Notion databases and pages like A...

526 下載

jfh-gitlab-cli 1.0.0.pre.rc.7

Gitlab CLI in ruby, use gem gitlab

487 下載

timescaledb-sequel 0.0.1

TimescaleDB Sequel integration

477 下載

categoria 0.1.0.pre.beta1

categoria presents a set of generators for domain-driven development in rails

468 下載

rails-storybook 0.2.1

...specifically for use with Chromatic

456 下載

banis-mod_dev 0.1.2

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

421 下載

worlds 0.0.0

A text-based world simulation and role-playing game toolkit.

412 下載

idrac 0.1.3

A Ruby client for the Dell iDRAC API

406 下載

fetchworks 0.1.1

A simple gem for programmatic access of data about written works. ...

390 下載

strapi_model 0.1.0

An ORM to interact with Strapi headless CMS in Ruby on Rails.

372 下載

rrx_dev 0.1.2

Ruby on Rails core development support

372 下載

enr 0.0.0

An Evernote command program

352 下載

gtfskit 0.0.1

Ruby library and binding for the General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS)

310 下載

flaky_cli 0.1.0.pre.pre1

CLI for running a command until it fails.

303 下載

dryer_clients 0.1.0

Given a description of an API, generates a ruby client for that API.

284 下載

worlds-terminal 0.1.0

A command-line interface for Worlds, a text-based world simulation and role-playing gam...

272 下載

autopopulater 0.1.0

Autopopulate Rails model attributes via remote APIs

258 下載

總下載次數 39,661,057

這個版本 7,970,707



Ruby, BSD-2-Clause

Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.7.0
