dbt 1.0.6
DBT (Dependencies and deBugging Tool) is a tool that helps declare dependencies (+app.files_dependencies+) and assists with debugging in a RubyMotion project. It looks for 'break', 'requires', and 'provides' commands (it does a *teensy* bit of code analyzing to provide some defaults) to make your RubyMotion +Rakefile+ and +debugger_cmds+ files short and consistent. To use, include this gem, and add +app.analyze+ to your +Rakefile+ in the <tt>Motion::Project::App.setup</tt> block. In your source code you can add DBT commands and those will be translated into directives for +app.files_dependencies+ and +debugger_cmds+. Run +rake+ or <tt>rake debug=1</tt>, and off you go!