Dépendances inversées pour dbf Latest version of the following gems require dbf
rgeo-shapefile 3.1.0
RGeo is a geospatial data library for Ruby. RGeo::Shapefile is an optional RGeo module ...
3 007 233 Téléchargements
wheretz 0.0.6
Fast and precise time zone by geo coordinates lookup
1 651 037 Téléchargements
earth 1.2.1
An earth-simulation environment with ActiveRecord models and data
454 009 Téléchargements
icu_tournament 1.12.1
Convert files of chess tournament data in different formats to ruby classes and vice-ve...
314 172 Téléchargements
citysdk 1.1.0
Encapsulates the CitySDK api.
75 074 Téléchargements
nofxx-georuby 1.9.2
GeoRuby provides geometric data types from the OGC 'Simple Features' specification.
72 451 Téléchargements
nofxx-georuby 1.9.2
GeoRuby provides geometric data types from the OGC 'Simple Features' specification.
72 451 Téléchargements
fias 1.0.3
Imports Russian FIAS database into SQL (for Ruby on Rails on PostgreSQL projects)
63 696 Téléchargements
tallakt-plcutil 0.2.14
Ruby library for using Siemens, Schneider and Intouch files
54 362 Téléchargements
georuby-ext 0.0.5
Use together GeoRuby, Rgeo, Geokit, Proj4j (and others)
34 979 Téléchargements
Use HeyDan to download, munge and manage data for jurisdictions
23 485 Téléchargements
us_time_zones 2.0.9
I made this gem because the current Google Maps API for time zones is not completely pr...
21 983 Téléchargements
data_resurrection 0.2.0
Converts DBF to modern formats.
19 435 Téléchargements
concensus 0.0.6
"A small tool for reading United States Census TIGER/Line Shapefiles."
8 265 Téléchargements
xdata 0.1.2
Provides analysis of (geo)data files.
6 269 Téléchargements
ppe-georuby 1.7.2
GeoRuby provides geometric data types from the OGC 'Simple Features' specification.
5 455 Téléchargements
georuby_remake 1.0.0
GeoRuby provides geometric data types from the OGC 'Simple Features' specification.
5 001 Téléchargements
esri_shapefile 0.0.2
Library to read and write ESRI Shapefiles
4 752 Téléchargements
shapely 0.1
A gem for reading ESRI Shapefiles.
4 656 Téléchargements
kladr_converter 0.0.1
Library that can convert KLADR.DBF and STREET.DBF to SQLite database file
4 451 Téléchargements
inegi-geo 0.0.3
Imports INEGI geospatial database into a readable CSV
4 081 Téléchargements
DanaDanger-shapely 0.1
A gem for reading ESRI Shapefiles.
3 824 Téléchargements
dubbletrack_remote 0.8.5
Posts data from automation systems to dubbletrack.com. Requires dubbletrack account
3 680 Téléchargements
geekdaily-georuby 2.6.0
GeoRuby provides geometric data types from the OGC 'Simple Features' specification.
2 566 Téléchargements