RubyGems Navigation menu

Reverse dependencies for daybreak Latest version of the following gems require daybreak

kitchen_hooks 2.1.1

GitLab WebHoook for automated Chef Server uploads.

146,574 下載

sensu-plugins-mesos 2.5.0

This plugin provides navite Mesos instrumentation for monitoring ...

88,466 下載

ahalogy-automation 0.15.1

Scripts that install applications on Ahalogy Mac computers.

41,514 下載

flickrchive 0.1.6

A photo archiver to flickr in ruby

32,498 下載

robit 1.0.8

Like Robut, but better and pronounced correctly.

23,992 下載

sensu-plugins-dcos 0.4.2

This plugin provides native dcos-metrics instrumentation ...

22,163 下載

docket 0.2.1

Helps schedule jobs

19,886 下載

victor_ops-client 0.3.0

A gem that will allow for consistent usage of the VictorOps service from within a scrip...

18,019 下載

mmls-downloader 1.0.7

A simple gem to download notes

14,263 下載

telepath 0.1.0

Sorta like IPC for people to GTD.

11,023 下載

pincerna 1.1.3

A bunch of useful Alfred 2 workflows.

10,163 下載

harrods 0.0.3

How much does that cost?!

9,942 下載

dbum 0.0.3

A no-nonsense, JSON-based key-value store.

8,528 下載

itinerary 0.4

A Ruby gem to keep track of travel itineraries.

6,614 下載

stubborn_queue 1.1.0

Queueing that keeps on kicking until you tell it to stop.

5,238 下載

hostlist 1.0.2

Generates list of hosts based on tags.

5,184 下載

unsub 0.0.2

Autoscaling "polyfill" for Sensu, Icinga & Chef.

5,151 下載

physical-activity-recorder 0.0.3

Record and plan your physical activity at moderate and vigorous levels.

4,755 下載

rjl-itunes 0.2

Manage album track genre in the library using data from

4,539 下載

daybreak-serializer-msgpack 1.0.7

Adds a MessagePack Serializer for Daybreak

4,246 下載

psqlversions 0.1.1

Requires the Postgres command line tools.

3,494 下載

newrelic-daybreak 0.0.1

A simple redis backed cache for Sinatra

3,353 下載

cap-vivo-mapper 0.1.0

This utility maps Stanford CAP profiles to VIVO.

3,297 下載

tweety_bird 0.0.1

A deployment tracking service for Chef.

3,211 下載

總下載次數 1,094,458

這個版本 1,046,033



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