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daemons 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 daemons

ra-bluepill 0.0.48

Bluepill keeps your daemons up while taking up as little resources as possible. After a...

16,896 下载

apiotics-test 0.1.66


16,676 下载

muxoro 0.1.0

Launch a Pomodoro Timer from the command line

16,639 下载

experella-proxy 0.0.14

a balancing & routing proxy, see README for more details

16,564 下载

metrics_spy 0.0.5

This gem is useful for development where we need to capture and validate the request pa...

16,546 下载

topprospect-delayed_job 2.0.9

Delayed_job (or DJ) encapsulates the common pattern of asynchronously executing longer ...

16,320 下载

jerbil 1.4.8

Provides a reliable Object Request Broker and a simple framework for ruby-based service...

16,294 下载

lcms-engine 0.5.5

Implements common components and features for Rails-based LCMS systems

15,790 下载

passenger_datadog 1.1.0

A tool for sending Passenger stats to Datadog.

15,728 下载

web_fetch 0.5.0

Fetches HTTP responses as batch requests concurrently

15,582 下载

qemu 1.0

Create QEMU command lines, start and stop daemon, send monitor commands to a qemu insta...

15,167 下载

apn 1.1.0

APN is a lightweight Apple Push Notification daemon for Ruby on Rails. APN runs as a da...

15,142 下载

eatmysoul 0.1.2

A simple netsoul (epitech's internal network protocol) client, mainly targeting servers

14,998 下载

mumbletune 0.2.1

Mumbletune connects to a mumble server and allows users to interact with and play a que...

14,864 下载

rocket-server 0.0.4

This is a fast web socket server built on awesome EventMachine with em-websockets help....

14,779 下载

bitbot 0.0.4

Bitcoin IRC Tip Bot

14,778 下载

hamster-the-process-watcher 1.1.3

Dedicated to hamsters running in wheels everywhere -> Simple usermode process watcher -...

14,771 下载

fluentd-server 0.3.2

Fluentd config distribution server

14,681 下载

xiami_radio 1.1.11

A Xiami radio player by command-line on ruby, help you listening to the Xiami via a gee...

14,446 下载

git-check-ci 0.1.4

Check CI status of the local project

14,260 下载

owl-cms 0.1.5

A ruby CMS...

14,103 下载

react 0.1.0

A simple application that allows for remote execution of commands.

14,007 下载

requeus 0.1.1

requeus gem is a library for proxying requests

13,503 下载

mailman-rails 0.0.3

Ease Mailman integration with Rails

13,440 下载

wesabot 1.1.2

Wesabot is a Campfire bot framework we've been using and developing at Wesabe sinc...

13,341 下载

task_manager 0.1.0

A simple wrapper around the Rufus::Scheduler to have a more configurable setup. Th...

13,321 下载

id_service 0.3.0

IdService provides a client and server for setting up a sequential & unique id generati...

12,705 下载

city_watch 0.3.0

If you can't use Hudson :(

12,690 下载

warouz_server 0.0.5

Warouz Server is the server side part of an extensible system for collecting data from ...

12,615 下载

autovrsion 0.0.4

A command line that uses Rugged and Listen for automatic versioning of files.

12,550 下载

下载总量 248,569,940

这个版本 23,533,666



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 0
