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crosstab 0.1.2

FEATURES: * Input your data as an array of hashes * Input a report layout, built using a Ruby DSL * Outputs ASCII pivot tables suitable for fast reports * Pretty fast: takes less than a second to process 1,000 records of data by a report with 100 rows and 10 columns. == SYNOPSIS: require ‘rubygems’ require ‘crosstab’ data = [{:gender => "M", :age => 1}, {:gender => "F", :age => 2}, {:gender => "M", :age => 3}] my_crosstab = crosstab data do table do title "Q.A Age:" group "18 - 54" do row "18 - 34", :age => 1 row "35 - 54", :age => 2 end row "55 or older", :age => 3 end banner do column "Total" group "Gender" do column "Male", :gender => "M" column "Female", :gender => "F" end end end puts my_crosstab.to_s # => … Table 1 Q.A Age: Gender —————- Total Male Female (A) (B) © ——- ——- ——- (BASE) 3 2 1 18 - 54 2 1 1 —————————– 67% 50% 100% 18 - 34 1 1 – 33% 50% 35 - 54 1 – 1 33% 100% 55 or older 1 1 – 33% 50% == JUST THE BEGINNING: * I hope to add in later releases: * New export formats: html, pdf, csv, excel. * More stats than just frequency and percentage: mean, median, std. deviation, std. error, and significance testing * Optional row and table suppression for low frequencies * Optional table rows populating from the data * Optional table ranking – automatically reorder rows based in descending order based on frequencies observed == REQUIREMENTS: * None




  1. 0.1.2 October 19, 2007* (15 KB)
  2. 0.1.1 October 18, 2007* (15 KB)
  3. 0.1.0 October 18, 2007* (15 KB)

Runtime Dependencies (2):

hoe >= 1.3.0
text-reform > 0.0.0



  • Ryan Davis

SHA 256 checksum:


Total downloads 13,928

For this version 5,374

Version Released:



Required Ruby Version: > 0.0.0
