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Reverse dependencies for couchrest_model Latest version of the following gems require couchrest_model

memories 0.3.6

CouchDB has built in document versioning, but you can't rely on it for version control....

90,001 下載

tenacity 0.6.0

Tenacity provides a database client independent way of specifying simple relationships ...

71,783 下載

couch_photo 0.0.7

Manage an image and all of its variations and xmp metadata in a single document.

62,720 下載

couchrest_session_store 0.4.2

A Rails Session Store based on CouchRest Model

61,748 下載

delayed_job_couchrest_model 0.0.10

A CouchRest::Model backend for delayed_job

38,250 下載

couchrest_model_config 0.2.2

Simple, environment-based server and database configuration for couchrest_model.

36,188 下載

thingtank 0.3.6

couchrest docs with multiple characters

36,147 下載

yasm 0.0.11

Breaks up states, actions, and contexts into seperate

29,586 下載

couchrest_model_search 0.0.6

Add couchdb-lucene search support to CouchRest Model

25,594 下載

couch-migrate 2.0.2

A simple migration system for CouchDB.

25,020 下載

machinist-couchrest-model 1.2.0

Manufacture test CouchRest models with ease using Machinist

22,536 下載

couch_view 0.1.1

Modular, de-coupled views for CouchDB.

21,053 下載

chillfile 0.1.0

Let your files chill on the couch

17,476 下載

couch_visible 0.2.0

Specify whether or not a document is visible.

16,634 下載

couch_cloner 0.1.2

Create clones of CouchDB documents, and schedule them for publication.

16,601 下載

vines-services 0.1.4

Vines Services are dynamically updated groups of systems based on criteria like hostnam...

16,577 下載

couch_scheduler 0.2.1

Create a publishing system that allows you to schedule your documents for publication.

15,870 下載

openid_couchdb_store 0.0.4

OpenID store using CouchDB. Right now using Couchrest, will make more flexible later, h...

14,332 下載


Implementation of the acts as list gem for CouchDB

13,930 下載

couchrest_model_slug 0.0.3

A simple gem to generate slugs using couchrest model, based on mongoid_slug.

12,008 下載

recloner 0.1.1

This gem exposes a 'Recloner' module containing a 'clone' method, allowing you to easil...

11,930 下載

devise_couchrest_model 0.0.2

devise couchrest_model plugin

10,898 下載

orm_adapter_couchrest_model 0.0.1

ORM adapter for couchrest_model

10,494 下載

rack-couchdb-oauth2 0.3.0

Rack middleware for OAuth2 Provider Server Based on Couchdb

10,338 下載

openid_couch_rest_model_store 1.0.2

A CouchRestModel store for OpenID, forked from a very similar ActiveRecord store writte...

10,266 下載

couchrest_localised_properties 0.1.1

Add support to CouchRest Model for localised properties.

8,499 下載

carriercouch 0.0.1

Carrierwave Uploader for CouchDB with CouchrestModel

5,087 下載

copycouch 0.0.0

Facilitates the creation of push-publishing content management systems.

5,044 下載

couchrest_casted_view 0.0.1

CouchRest casted_view adds a single method to CouchRest::Database that can automaticall...

4,685 下載

couchrest_casted 0.0.1

Adds methods to CouchRest::Database that automatically cast document JSON data as Couch...

4,587 下載

總下載次數 377,132

這個版本 228,134


Apache License 2.0

Ruby 版本需求: >= 0

RubyGems 版本需求: > 1.3.1
