Dependencias inversas para core La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren core
gemsmith 23.2.0
A command line interface for smithing Ruby gems.
289.695 Descargas
tocer 19.1.0
A command line interface for generating Markdown table of contents.
170.641 Descargas
milestoner 19.3.0
A command line interface for automated Git repository milestones.
151.529 Descargas
git-lint 9.1.0
A command line interface for linting Git commits.
135.857 Descargas
pennyworth 18.1.0
A command line interface for augmented Alfred workflows.
123.642 Descargas
cogger 1.1.0
A customizable and feature rich logger.
107.970 Descargas
spek 4.1.0
An enhanced gem specification wrapper.
106.762 Descargas
gitt 4.2.0
A monadic Object API for the Git CLI.
56.542 Descargas
etcher 3.1.0
A monadic configuration loader, transformer, and validator.
16.651 Descargas
composable 0.1.0
Simple implementation of the composite design pattern
9.822 Descargas
hookable 0.0.6
Patch any method with before, after and around hooks
8.883 Descargas
tana 0.15.0
A monadic API client for the Tana Personal Knowledge Management system.
4.251 Descargas