RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para colorize La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren colorize

pattana 0.1.25

Pattana gives you a user module with Admin Interface to Manage Features, Users and thei...

51.726 Descargas


Code Obscure Tool.You can use it simplely

51.660 Descargas

bigrig 0.6.2

Bigrig knows how to ship your composite docker applications

51.335 Descargas

poeditor-cli 0.5.0

POEditor CLI

51.319 Descargas

thefox-ext 3.0.0

This gem extents some of the basic Ruby classes by missing functionalities.

51.247 Descargas

dindi 1.0

This gem will create a modular base for a new Sinatra app

51.215 Descargas

response_mate 0.4.1

Cli tool to make inspecting and recording HTTP requests fun again

51.100 Descargas

watchdocs-rails 0.11.2

It captures every JSON response, stores request and response de...

50.964 Descargas

conf_conf 2.0.4

Verify correctness of environment variables

50.545 Descargas

gclouder 0.3.10

A wrapper for gcloud(1) which creates Google Cloud Platform resources based on YAML man...

50.360 Descargas

jekyll-lenciel-theme 1.0.24

Jekyll theme made by lenciel with <3

50.160 Descargas

betterroutes 0.2.0

A better colorized, formatted visualization of the Rake routes listing.

50.145 Descargas

blower 7

Really simple server orchestration

50.141 Descargas

twisty_puzzles 0.0.44

Gem for my cube_trainer rails app. Some things are better left in a separate gem with n...

49.915 Descargas

nex_client 0.17.0

Client library for Maestrano Nex!™ PaaS

49.882 Descargas

eucalypt 0.9.0

Micro-framework, application generator and CLI wrapped around the Sinatra DSL.

49.281 Descargas

rents 1.0.8

Ruby gem for Rent$ payment Gateway & Intermediary

49.130 Descargas

dude-cli 2.1.0

This program helps to combine such services as Jira, Toggl and git and replace most rou...

49.114 Descargas

to-do 1.3.1

A simple command line todo application

49.086 Descargas

metaverse 0.1.10

a multiple repos management tool

48.612 Descargas

drone-builds 0.7.1

List builds, print realtime output, view previous outputs, filter outputs

48.221 Descargas

phase 1.0.2

A simple way to manage cloud instances within a multi-subnet network, like an AWS VPC.

48.118 Descargas

rrimm 0.14.10

imm reboot in ruby. Retrieve rss feeds and send them by email

48.117 Descargas

doo 0.6.4

Doo is a deployment scripting tool in the vein of capistrano and sprinkle that uses sta...

48.009 Descargas

baleen 0.2.5

Ballen allows you to run cucumber tests in parallel and isolated environment by using D...

48.008 Descargas

ecs_helper 0.0.37

A simple gem which make CI CD process easier for AWS ECS service

47.990 Descargas

basmoura 0.5.2

I believe in one simple thing: if you are a developer, do all you can as a developer

47.781 Descargas

applocale 0.4.4

Applocale is a localization tool, It can convert file between string and xlsx ,csv, als...

47.660 Descargas

deploy_pin 1.5.0

pin some task around deployment to execute them during deployment circle

47.178 Descargas

flight_plan_cli 0.4.3

Command-line tool for FlightPlan

46.999 Descargas

Total de descargas 128.329.772

Para esta versión 6.739.442



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.6

Nuevas versiones requieren AMF: true

Versión publicada con AMF: true
