coercible 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 coercible
virtus 2.0.0
Attributes on Steroids for Plain Old Ruby Objects
107,469,641 下載
symmetric-encryption 4.6.0
Encrypt ActiveRecord and Mongoid attributes, files and passwords in configuration files.
4,439,370 下載
date_time_precision 0.8.1
Patches Date, Time, and DateTime ruby classes to keep track of precision
1,442,826 下載
admino 0.0.22
Make administrative views creation less repetitive
116,756 下載
ardm 0.4.0
ActiveRecord plugin to provide a smooth migration from DataMapper to ActiveRecord
48,712 下載
data_steroid 0.6.3
Simple ODM to Google Datastore based on Mongoid
25,422 下載
kanpachi 0.0.7
Provides a DSL to describe your web API, generate documentation, and will eventually he...
20,069 下載
bigqueryid 0.6.0
Simple ORM for Google BigQuery
9,772 下載
attrs 0.0.2
Yet another attributes on steroids gem
8,185 下載
virtus2 2.1.0
Attributes on Steroids for Plain Old Ruby Objects
6,555 下載
docli 0.0.2
Commandline interface for DigitalOcean
6,140 下載
resourced 0.1.0
WIP - not for production
6,104 下載
J-_-L 1.1.0
J-_-L gem pack
5,672 下載