RubyGems Navigation menu

ci_reporter 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 ci_reporter

douglas-ne-checks 0.1.0

Read and convert Douglas County NE check dumps to something more useful.

6,843 下载

kraut 0.5.7

Interface for the Atlassian Crowd SOAP API

6,673 下载

hssc_surveyor 1.4.3.pre

A rails (gem) plugin to enable surveys in your application

6,464 下载

colloquy 1.0.1

Colloquy is an evented framework for building fast and efficient USSD applications in R...

6,265 下载

sim 0.0.2

Preconfigure rspec and capybara to work with jenkins

5,850 下载

arbdrone 0.0.1

Ruby library for controlling the AR.Drone

5,593 下载

puttygen 0.2.0

Convert or generate SSH keys using puttygen.

5,211 下载

allplayers_imports 0.1.0

A Ruby tool to handle import spreadsheets into AllPlayers API.

5,042 下载

josephholsten-jasmine 1.1.0.pre.10

Personal fork, do not use.

4,894 下载

gator-as3-robotlegs 0.0.3.pre

Gator Generators for RobotLegs

4,829 下载

ci-psw 1.0.0.pre2

This gem contains Rake tasks that can be utilized with a Continuous Integration system

4,800 下载

cloudspace_chat_service 0.0.1

Extendable chat service for cloudspace

4,769 下载

bigcommerce-test 0.8.42

Test Version of the Bigcommerce API lib - Please use the official version for your purp...

4,472 下载

cvprac 1.0.1

Arista REST API Client for CloudVision Portal

4,305 下载

vkhater-social_stream-base 0.11.2

Social Stream is a Ruby on Rails engine providing your application with social networki...

4,247 下载

westarete-tracker-tools 0.3.0

This gem contains a set of tools and extensions that West Arete uses to report on Pivot...

4,188 下载


Social Stream is a Ruby on Rails engine for building social network websites. It suppor...

4,130 下载

conjur-asset-key-pair 0.2.1

Conjur asset plugin for RSA key pairs.

4,120 下载

buildr-appengine 0.1.0

Provides buildr support for deploying to Google AppEngine

4,097 下载

conjur-asset-pubkeys-api 0.1.2

Conjur asset plugin for a public key store.

4,085 下载

ttcp 1.0.0

Based on the C command line tool at

4,077 下载

conjur-asset-pubkeys 0.1.1

Conjur asset plugin for a public key store.

3,869 下载

nid_utils 1.6.0

Nid utils is used for creating common name for tags

3,738 下载


A IS OAuth2 strategy for OmniAuth.

3,631 下载

vcseif 1.2.0

VCSEIF (Version Control Systems Extensible Integration Framework) is a framework that m...

3,617 下载

opentx-log 0.0.1

Read and interpret OpenTx telemetry log files.

3,531 下载

hover-ruby-client 0.4.0

Hover ruby client

3,518 下载

mobileminer-adapter 0.0.1

Ruby gem to report miner information to MobileMiner.

3,498 下载

url-agent 1.0.0

URL agent can handle common errors, concurrency and fallback for applications that call...

3,483 下载

ds-ci_reporter_test_unit 1.0.1

NOTE: This is a fork of ci-reporter/ci_reporter_test_unit

3,337 下载

下载总量 21,825,979

这个版本 917,971



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 0
