RubyGems Navigation menu

celluloid 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 celluloid

what 0.4.1

What uses WEBrick to serve a JSON object representing the state of services running on ...

103,472 下載

krakow 0.4.2

NSQ ruby library

97,334 下載

build-buddy 1.16.4

A build buddy bot with GitHub and Slack integration.

96,200 下載

celluloid-benchmark 0.3.5

Celluloid Benchmark realistically load tests websites. Write expressive, concise load t...

95,750 下載

celluloid-zmq 0.17.2

Celluloid bindings to the ffi-rzmq library

95,459 下載

nucleon 0.2.16

A framework that provides a simple foundation for building Ruby applications that are: ...

91,100 下載

c3d 0.5.7

This gem is designed to assist in distribution mangement of content which is controlled...

88,510 下載

berkshelf-api 3.0.0

Berkshelf dependency API server

87,788 下載

msgpack-rpc-over-http 0.2.0

This library provides MessagePack-RPC via HTTP

84,498 下載

msgpack-rpc-over-http 0.2.0

This library provides MessagePack-RPC via HTTP

84,498 下載

cellect-server 3.0.2

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

83,846 下載

banter 2.2.3

Publish & subscribe to messages

78,316 下載

ridley-connectors 2.4.0

A Connector API for talking to nodes managed by Chef

69,262 下載

wisper-celluloid 0.0.1

Wisper async publishing using Celluloid

68,187 下載

creeper 2.0.2

Creeper is an evented version of Stalker

66,812 下載

airplayer 1.1.0

Command-line AirPlay video client for Apple TV

60,443 下載

rabbit-wq 2.3.0

A work queue built on RabbitMQ and Celluloid. See README for more details.

60,220 下載

parallizer 0.4.7

Execute your service layer in parallel.

58,757 下載

jamie 0.1.0.beta4

A Chef convergence integration test harness

58,209 下載

movieDB 1.0.1

Perform Data Analysis on IMDB Movies

53,991 下載

ringleader 1.1.8

TCP application host and proxy server

50,644 下載

emque-consuming 1.9.2

Microservices framework for Ruby

49,358 下載

baleen 0.2.5

Ballen allows you to run cucumber tests in parallel and isolated environment by using D...

49,323 下載

ducksboard_reporter 0.2.4

Report values to ducksboard

49,203 下載

gxapi_rails 0.1.0

Google Analytics and integration

46,531 下載

attache 3.0.0

Standalone rack app to manage files onbehalf of your app

45,768 下載

apple_shove 2.0.4

Apple Push Notification Service (APNS) provider. More powerful than a push...

44,454 下載

say_when 2.2.2

Scheduling system for programmatically defined and stored jobs.

44,318 下載

motherbrain 1.5.0

An orchestrator for Chef

42,528 下載

blinkenstein 0.2.4

Blink(1) Monitoring Thinggy

40,692 下載

總下載次數 160,169,672

這個版本 2,237,035




Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.2.6

RubyGems 版本需求: >= 2.0.0
