RubyGems Navigation menu

capybara-webkit 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 capybara-webkit

voluntary_brainstorming 0.0.2

Brainstorming plugin for #crowdsourcing gem voluntary:

5,395 下載

rlicker 1.2.0

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

5,377 下載

resolved 0.0.0

A place to discuss ideas, wrapped up as a Rails engine

4,987 下載

boss-cms 0.0.2

A CMS that sits on top of Citygate

4,770 下載

course_scraper 0.0.1

Gives you a list of all courses in Spanish vocational education.

4,618 下載

capybara-java_script_lint 0.0.1

Run JSLint on Rails JavaScript assets through the asset pipeline with Capybara Webkit

4,590 下載

attorney 1.0.0

Easily define and mount 'Terms of Service', 'Privacy Policy' and any other static page ...

4,380 下載

ihealth_bot 0.1.1

Automagically create iHealth data via the user portal. Useful for testing.

4,319 下載

capybara-click_at 0.1.0

Sometimes I want to click at some point on a map in the tests. This gem adds click_at(p...

4,248 下載

rs-active_admin-state_machine 0.2.1

Provides easy DSL integration between ActiveAdmin & state_machine

4,219 下載

rails31-evergreen 0.4.1

Run Jasmine JavaScript unit tests, integrate them into Ruby applications.

4,213 下載

flajax 0.0.2

Rails 3 engine that provides ajax flash messages for your rails app.

4,162 下載

solidus_conekta 1.1.1

Soldius Engine for Conekta Mexican Payment gateway

3,725 下載

acts_as_indexable 0.0.1

ActsAsIndexable is a Rails engine that provides a configurable DSL for rendering tables...

3,507 下載

unique_rapidfire 1.0.0

One stop solution for all survey related requirements! Its tad easy!.

3,486 下載

smart_management 0.0.1

SmartManagement is designed to be simple to use and to customize. It allows to crea...

3,077 下載

simple_address 1.0.0

Simple Address.

3,061 下載

dictate_css 0.1.0

An intuitive and very DRY CSS framework that lets you dictate styling with classes that...

2,927 下載

anime 0.1.0

Write a longer description or delete this line.

2,760 下載

lo-suspenders 2.1.2

A fork of the thoughbot suspenders gem.

2,737 下載

corzinus 0.1.0

Simple cart-checkout for your store

2,620 下載

cartify 0.1.0

Shopping cart with a multi-step checkout, easily mounted into Rail...

2,433 下載

invitable 0.0.1.alpha.1


2,412 下載

relish-billing 0.0.3

Handles billing

2,190 下載

solidus_slider 1.0

Adds a slider to the homepage

2,175 下載

總下載次數 8,423,377

這個版本 1,634,641



Ruby 版本需求: >= 1.9.0
