capistrano 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 capistrano
deploy_mate 0.26.3
This is how we deploy around here.
65,953 下載
capistrano-elb 0.4.0
Capistrano plugin for removing/readd servers to EC2 load balancers
65,592 下載
capistrano-net_storage 1.0.0
A Capistrano SCM Plugin to deploy application via remove storage. Logically, this e...
65,259 下載
capistrano-deploy_hooks 0.1.1
Configurable deploy hooks for Capistrano
65,231 下載
deploify 0.2.24
deploify - capistrano based and deprec inspired deploy solution served as a gem
65,037 下載
engineyard-eycap 0.4.15
A bunch of useful recipes to help deployment to Engine Yard slices
64,252 下載
capistrano-mb 0.35.1
Production-ready provisioning and deployment recipes for Rails 4 and Rails 5 stacks. In...
62,761 下載
matross 0.6.0
Our collection of opnionated Capistrano recipes
62,338 下載
capistrano-mysqldump 2.0.1
Capistrano extension to run mysqldump remotely, download, and import into your local Ra...
61,504 下載
capistrano-scm-bamboo 1.4.4
With this plugin, you can use Bamboo build artifacts as a repository, and deploy your b...
60,703 下載
kapify 0.1.3
Capistrano recipes useful for rails app deployment. Includes repices for nginx, unicorn...
60,623 下載
capistrano-logtail 0.1.1
Log tailing for capistrano
60,212 下載
capistrano-syslog 0.4.0
Capistrano v3 plugin to syslog current_revision by using logger
59,331 下載
capistrano-lazy_cleanup 0.3.0
This gem makes deployment faster by offloading cleanup I/O for Capistrano 3.x (and 3.x ...
59,040 下載
j-cap-recipes 0.0.18
A litle knife to deploy Rails application
58,614 下載
cap-util 1.5.2
A set of utilities for writing cap tasks.
58,552 下載
roundsman 0.1.1
Combine the awesome powers of Capistrano and Chef. The only thing you need is SSH access.
58,370 下載
capistrano-asdf 1.1.1
ASDF integration for Capistrano
57,766 下載
sidekiq-cron-tasks 0.4.0
Adds tasks for Sidekiq Cron loading
57,633 下載
magentify 0.1.0
An extension to Capistrano to deploy Magento. Adding the specific requirements and addi...
57,603 下載
deprec-core 3.1.15
deprec-core was extracted from the popular deprec gem to make it easier for people to p...
57,508 下載
capistrano-strategy-copy-bundled 0.7.0
Bundle all gems in the copy directory and then send it to all servers
57,253 下載
capistrano3-ridgepole 0.0.4
Capistrano3 plugin for ridgepole schema application. It can handle commands: "--apply",...
56,773 下載
conan 0.4.12
Set up a project to enable the provision of infrastructure through AWS and the configur...
56,761 下載
capistrano-unformatt 2.4
Custom recipes for Unformatt projects
56,673 下載
capistrano-grunt 0.0.4
Grunt support for Capistrano 3.x
56,386 下載
thunder_punch 0.1.6
Collection of capistano recipes for deployment and server tasks
56,160 下載
capistrano-fiftyfive 0.21.0
This gem has been renamed to capistrano-mb
56,157 下載
pixelforce_recipes 4.0
Write a longer description or delete this line.
56,117 下載
capistrano-cloudflare 1.0.0
Capistrano extensions for CloudFlare
55,926 下載