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capistrano 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 capistrano

capistrano-scm-tar 0.0.2

A tar strategy for Capistrano 3 to deploy tarball.

76,888 下載

capistrano3-postgres 0.2.5

Create postgres dumps, download and replicate locally.

76,748 下載

capistrano-scm-local 0.1.24

Capistrano extension for deploying form local directory

76,457 下載

capistrano-deploy-lock 1.0.4

Lock deploy when deployment is running or custom lock to prevent further deployment for...

74,534 下載

capistrano-ndenv 1.2.0

ndenv integration for Capistrano

73,567 下載

capistrano-get_s3 0.0.6

Introduces a new deployment strategy where we pull the codebase as a tar.gz of an s3 bu...

73,447 下載

dark-capistrano-recipes 0.8.4

Extend the Capistrano gem with these useful recipes

73,174 下載

tampon 1.1.3

An unrestictive way to deploy using gitflow and capistrano

72,971 下載

o2h 0.2.1

Collection of recipes and gem dependencies for o2h deployment

72,828 下載

redmine_stagecoach 0.7.8

Git/capistrano workflow automation script with Redmine & Github issue integration

72,562 下載

avst-cloud 0.1.42

Automated creation, bootstrapping and provisioning of servers

72,501 下載

cap_git_tools 0.9.1

re-usable, composable Capistrano tasks for git tagging and other work with a git repo

72,405 下載

capistrano-aws 1.4.0

Allow dynamically add servers based on EC2.

72,197 下載

capistrano-pumaio 3.1.6

Capistrano recipes for puma using runit and monit.

71,863 下載

drush-deploy 1.0.13

Utilizes capistrano to allow for doing intellegent deployments of drupal projects.

71,339 下載

madscience 0.0.29

Install the current versions of the MadScience stack. This stack includes Vagrant, Chef...

70,818 下載


a capistrano recipe to manage pythons with pyenv.

70,626 下載

capistrano-withrsync 0.3.0

Capistrano with rsync

68,900 下載

mana 0.0.10

Configuration management with Chef & Capistrano

68,393 下載

h2ocube_rails_development 0.7.1

Just a collection for development gems

68,359 下載

capistrano-env 1.0.0

capistrano with environments

68,313 下載

railshoster 1.0.0

Easily deploy your Rails app to by using this gem.

67,858 下載


The rubber plugin enables relatively complex multi-instance deployments of RubyOnRails ...

67,711 下載

capistrano-scm-jenkins 0.5.3

Capistrano 3.x plugin to deploy Jenkins artifacts.

67,568 下載

capistrano-windows-server 0.7.0

This gem modifies capistrano recipes to allow deploys to windows machines. Several nuan...

67,100 下載

fingerjam 0.8.2

Fingerjam uploads your Jammit-compressed assets with fingerprinted filenames so they ca...

66,985 下載


Client-side libraries (Capistrano tasks) for managing and deploying to 'EC2 on Rails' s...

66,855 下載

capistrano-demonz 0.0.26

Demonz Media recipes for Capistrano (for Drupal and other web apps).

66,188 下載

capistrano-delayed_job 3.1.7

Capistrano recipes for Delayed Job using runit and monit.

65,962 下載

capistrano-deploy-block 1.0.0

Block deploys via Capistrano

65,790 下載

總下載次數 73,616,775

這個版本 8,171



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.0
