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capistrano 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 capistrano

capistrano-bundle_audit 0.4.0

Audit a project's gem dependencies before deployment

132,456 下載

capistrano-rsync-bladrak 1.4.2

This is a rsync 'scm' for Capistrano v3, drastically improving deployment performance, ...

127,201 下載

dlss-capistrano 5.2.0

Capistrano recipes to assist with development, testing, & deployment of SUL/DLSS Ruby p...

125,896 下載

capistrano-notifier 0.4.1

Simple notification hooks for Capistrano

122,522 下載

capistrano-shell 0.2.0

Opens SSH shell on remote host in current release directory

117,441 下載

capistrano-gitflow 1.6.0

Capistrano recipe for a deployment workflow based on git tags

114,424 下載

capistrano-template 0.0.9

A capistrano 3 plugin that aids in rendering erb templates and uploads the content to t...

113,549 下載

alcapon 0.4.22

Capistrano is a utility and framework for executing commands in parallel on multiple re...

110,386 下載

capistrano-foreman 1.4.0

Capistrano tasks for foreman and upstart/systemd.

110,225 下載

capistrano-ejson 1.1.0

Automatic EJSON decryption for Capistrano

110,150 下載

capistrano-supervisor 1.1.1

supervisord support for Capistrano 3.x

109,212 下載

ndr_dev_support 7.2.4

Provides support to developers of NDR projects

108,959 下載

capistrano-banner 0.2.1

capistrano application banner

108,176 下載

capistrano-one_time_key 0.2.0

One time keys for capistrano

106,296 下載

easy-deployment 0.6.3

Easy deployment: includes a generator, and capistrano configuration

105,170 下載

capistrano-af83 0.4.8

Capistrano recipes for af83, mongoid, thin, faye and others

105,042 下載

rebuy_deployment 0.10.0

This gem offers deployment for all projects

103,920 下載

capose 0.2.0

Docker-Compose support for Capistrano 3.x

103,905 下載

capistrano-clockwork 1.0.1

Capistrano plugin to manage clockwork

103,729 下載

capistrano-opscomplete 1.2.0

Capistrano tasks for easy deployment to a makandra opscomplete environment.

103,468 下載

prun-ops 0.3.4

Encapsulates Operations commands for Rails Applications: Deploy, Diagnose, Monitoring, ...

100,984 下載

torquebox-capistrano-support 3.2.0

TorqueBox Capistrano Support

100,672 下載

capistrano-fanfare 0.0.23

Capistrano recipes (with full test suite) for fanfare application deployment framework

100,512 下載

capistrano-stretcher 0.5.4

capistrano task for stretcher.

100,190 下載

capistrano-friday 0.1.0

You better stab yourself if you deploy on friday!

98,301 下載

recap 1.2.2

GIT based deployment recipes for Capistrano

97,816 下載

plataforma_social 0.0.38

Plataforma Social's integration gem

97,747 下載

brpm_content 0.1.53

The BRPM Content Framework is a lightweight framework that allows to run automation log...

97,092 下載

ms_deploy 0.3.6

capistrano deployment task for my projects

97,091 下載

sumodev_deploy 0.10.3

Deploy to Sumocoders Dev server

95,026 下載

總下載次數 75,382,548

這個版本 196,809




Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.0
