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capistrano 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 capistrano

capistrano-isitdeployed 0.1.3

Capistrano plugin for IsItDeployed service, which provides capistrano statistics - www....

40,914 下載

capistrano-atlas 0.2.4

Does all the heavy lifting for production-ready provisioning and deployment for the ful...

40,743 下載

capchef 0.0.10

Chef capistrano recipes so you can configure your machines without a server

40,499 下載

soprano 0.96

Soprano is the set of rake tasks and capistrano recipes. Use it to...

40,248 下載

capistrano-mountaintop 1.1.3

Announce capistrano deploys from a mountaintop with campfire

39,682 下載

capistrano-generals 0.1.11

Some general capistrano tasks which are commonly used

39,381 下載

crapapult 0.0.10

Yammer's Capistrano-based deploy crap.

39,058 下載

capistrano-ec2-selfdeploy-tag 1.0.3

Recreates a specified Git tag every time you deploy, with whatever codebase just got pu...

39,002 下載

global_error_handler 1.2.3

On the middleware level catch an exception from Rails app and store in the separated Re...

38,974 下載

capistrano-jdk-installer 0.1.3

a capistrano recipe to download and install JDK for your projects.

38,636 下載

rails-toolkit 8.04.1

The Rails toolkit is a bunch of dependencies that pulls in all the gems typically used ...

38,532 下載

capistrano-hook 0.4.0

Notification hooks include start, finish and fail of deployments.

38,461 下載

capistrano-calendar 0.1.3

Deployment event creation on (google) calendar service

38,360 下載

capistrano-rsync 1.0.2

Deploy with Rsync to your server from any local (or remote) repository. Saves you the...

38,341 下載

uhl-cap-recipes 0.2.11

capistrano recipes for my works

38,221 下載

capistrano-maven 0.1.2

a capistrano recipe to deploy Apache Maven based projects.

38,175 下載

projectdx_pipeline 1.3.6

Common pipeline tasks and libraries to be used for all components of the ProjectDX plat...

37,919 下載

captify 1.0.2

Capistrano capify with canned templates.

37,886 下載

capistrano-gity 1.0.2

Git helpers for Capistrano v3 deployments

37,835 下載

derpy 2.0.5

Derpy contains a set of tasks for deploying Drupal projects with Capistrano.

37,673 下載

lachlan-sprinkle 0.0.16

Ruby DSL based software provisioning tool

37,430 下載

captainu-chinook 0.2.0

Abstraction of Capistrano v2 deployment tasks.

37,418 下載

webflow_cap 0.3.2

Deploy Rails apps

37,024 下載

capistrano-typo3 0.5.5

Capistrano 3 deployment and continious delivery tasks for TYPO3 versions 6.2+, 7.x, 8.x

37,012 下載

capistrano-toolbox 0.0.10

Some useful capistrano tools, such as unicorn restart, nginx config etc.

36,991 下載

capistrano-eye 0.0.6

Capistrano tasks to manage and monitor processes by eye

36,874 下載

resque_manager 3.3.13

A Rails engine port of the Sinatra app that is included in Chris Wanstrath's resque gem.

36,805 下載

jenkins-capistrano 0.1.2

The capistrano tasks for Jenkins CI Server

36,617 下載

capistrano_rails_console 0.5.3

Open a rails console the first app server.

36,615 下載

capistrano-sbt 0.1.2

a capistrano recipe to deploy sbt based projects.

36,552 下載

總下載次數 73,756,344

這個版本 8,526



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.0
