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cancan 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 cancan

draper-cancan 0.1.1

Adds some simple methods to your decorators to make it easier to use with the CanCan gem

10,197 下載


Make avaiable to your users for login with Devise or Facebook, and manage them and your...

8,956 下載

rdcms 1.0.28

This is the Basic Module of Rdcms. It Offers Devise, ActiveAdmin, an Article-Module, a ...

8,870 下載

rails_embed_editor 1.0.1

A tool that allow to display a embed editor on your page and edit local file(Views, Con...

8,536 下載

the_silver_spoon 0.0.2

This gem preps a new Rails app with some of the best Rails gems and Jquery sweetness av...

8,115 下載

alter_admin 0.0.7

Simple admin panel generator with inherited resources, has_scope, datatables for Rails 4

8,030 下載

ar_jdbc_pg_array 0.1.1

ar_jdbc_pg_array includes support of PostgreSQL's int[], float[], text[], timestamptz[]...

8,018 下載

My-Commerce_auth 1.1.0

Required dependancy for My-Commerce

7,570 下載

web_admin 0.1.0

Sistema administrativo para site

7,537 下載


The Forge CMS dependency gem Ruby 1.9.

7,238 下載

sheriff 0.0.2

Sheriff allows you to define "FeatureSets" and designate under w...

7,200 下載


The Forge CMS dependency gem for Ruby 2.0.

6,805 下載

guara 0.0.3

Base Enterprise Application

6,338 下載

tribeca_cms 0.1.1

A custom modification of locomotive

6,260 下載

sbf 0.0.2

Description of Sbf.

6,018 下載

auth-assistant 0.4.0

Provides assistance for setting up an auth solution using devise and cancan auth framew...

5,907 下載

secure_download 0.0.9

Secure download for CarrierWave with CanCan

5,721 下載

apispree_auth 0.0.0

Required dependancy for API-Spree

5,509 下載

resolved 0.0.0

A place to discuss ideas, wrapped up as a Rails engine

4,970 下載

cancan_edit 0.0.1

cancan ability for views

4,909 下載

k3cms_blog 0.1.0

Provides a simple blog

4,848 下載

benmanns-atreides 2.0.4

Atreides is an engine providing a evented CMS following a KISS principle

4,803 下載

boss-cms 0.0.2

A CMS that sits on top of Citygate

4,754 下載

kolach_locomotive_cms 2.0.0.rc13

This is a Devise version dependency bug patched Locomotive CMS v2.0.0.rc12. Devise upda...

4,454 下載

humpyard 0.0.1

Humpyard is a Rails CMS

4,437 下載

polemic 0.0.1

Commentable extension for Rails 3 app

4,269 下載

feature_box 0.8.1

FeatureBox is a feature request service written using Ruby on Rails framework. It is an...

4,235 下載

vkhater-social_stream-base 0.11.2

Social Stream is a Ruby on Rails engine providing your application with social networki...

4,233 下載

upstream-rails_admin 1.0.2

RailsAdmin is a Rails engine that provides an easy-to-use interface for managing your d...

4,124 下載

rfcommerce_auth 0.0.3

Required dependancy for Rfcommerce

4,113 下載

總下載次數 13,052,656

這個版本 8,602,655


Ruby 版本需求:

RubyGems 版本需求: >= 1.3.4
