RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para calabash-cucumber La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren calabash-cucumber

briar 2.0.5

extends calabash-ios steps

155.297 Descargas

yolo 1.4.0

yolo is a RubyGem which provides a Ruby interface to Continuous Integration build tools...

106.365 Descargas


This linkes-in calabash for iOS

40.862 Descargas

calios-uikit-extension 0.0.9

Calabash-ios UIKit extension provides convenient metaclasses for Calabash usage.

26.880 Descargas

guard-calabash-ios 0.3.0

Guard::Calabash-iOS automatically run your calabash features for iOS

21.106 Descargas

calios-uia-extension 0.0.6

Calabash-ios UIA extension provides convenient metaclasses for UIAutomation commands us...

18.299 Descargas

calabash-cucumber-ios-cn 0.0.5

Chinese translation of calabash-cucumber.

16.833 Descargas

rake_ci_tools 0.0.6

Predined Rake tasks for building, testing and deploying xcode projects Includes Sup...

15.595 Descargas

calabash-page-objects 0.5.6

Page Object frameworks for Calabash on iOS and Android

13.660 Descargas

cios_helpers 0.0.4

Adds helper methods to calabash-cucumber.

13.197 Descargas

calabash-cucumber-cn 0.0.8

Chinese translation of calabash-cucumber.

10.401 Descargas

calabash-extras 0.0.2

TestCase and page traversal tool for writing xunit tests for Android and Ios apps

7.441 Descargas

cal-screenshot-resize 0.0.4

Gem which allow resizing screenshots in calabash-ios

7.039 Descargas

calabash_drishyam 0.1.0

This gem is useful for inspecting the objects generated by Calabash) in the view port o...

6.952 Descargas

tabbyx 0.1.7

an agile testing framework supports testing web and mobile apps,including Android and iOS.

6.893 Descargas

Total de descargas 2.384.079

Para esta versión 16.530

Versión publicada:



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.0
