Dépendances inversées pour cairo-gobject Latest version of the following gems require cairo-gobject
poppler 4.2.7
Ruby/Poppler is a Ruby binding of poppler-glib.
1 207 378 Téléchargements
rsvg2 4.2.7
Ruby/RSVG2 is a Ruby binding of librsvg-2.x.
925 246 Téléchargements
pango 4.2.7
Ruby/Pango is a Ruby binding of pango-1.x based on GObject-Introspection.
782 352 Téléchargements
gdk3 4.2.7
Ruby/GDK3 is a Ruby binding of GDK-3.x.
420 278 Téléchargements
clutter 4.2.7
Ruby/Clutter is a Ruby binding of Clutter.
357 022 Téléchargements
phantom_svg 1.2.8
Hight end SVG manipulation tools for Ruby.\nIncludes chained keyframe generation, (A)PN...
55 037 Téléchargements
gdk4 4.2.7
Ruby/GDK4 is a Ruby binding of GDK-4.x.
28 771 Téléchargements