c32 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 c32
rexle 1.6.0
Rexle is an XML parser written purely in Ruby
805,538 下載
table-formatter 0.7.1
table-formatter prints a table in plain text format or Markdown format from an array
119,286 下載
cron_format 0.7.0
Accepts a cron expression and outputs the relative time (e.g. 0 7 1 1 * * => 2019-01-01...
85,791 下載
mindmapdoc 0.4.0
Transforms a markdown document into a mindmap or a mindmap into a markdown document
29,529 下載
xinput_wrapper 0.8.1
A wrapper for the Linux utility xinput.
28,528 下載
recordx-xslt 0.2.2
Transforms a RecordX type of schema with an XSLT schema mapping to generate an XSLT doc...
25,779 下載
easyvideo_utils 0.6.1
A wrapper for ffmpeg to make basic video editing easier.
21,727 下載
hidg0 0.4.4
Used with a Raspberry PI Zero plugged into a computer to act as USB Keyboard (HID).
20,315 下載
miab 0.4.0
Message in a bottle (MIAB) is designed to execute remote commands through SSH for syste...
16,418 下載
easyaudio_utils 0.4.1
A wrapper for various command-line audio utilities under GNU/Linux.
14,578 下載
drb_sqlite 0.3.3
Connects to a remote SQLite database (sqlite_server2018 gem).
13,372 下載
ld3w 0.2.2
Reads the GPS data from a Nokia LD-3W GPS bluetooth receiver using the system command r...
12,838 下載
drb_fileclient-reader 0.2.0
A DRb file reader client to access the DRb_fileserver service.
11,833 下載
sms_serial 0.1.5
Reads SMS messages from a serial connection to an Arduino compatible board which uses a...
11,108 下載
x4ss 0.2.0
A wrapper for xfce4-screenshooter and xclip to save screenshots.
7,580 下載
onedrb 0.4.2
Makes it convenient to make an object remotely accessible.
7,149 下載
diffyc32 0.1.1
Diffy with colour on the command-line.
3,877 下載
apphtml_layer 0.2.0
Add a basic HTML wrapper to your Ruby object. Suitable for use with a web server.
3,642 下載
quick_faker 0.2.1
Handy Faker wrapper for noobs too lazy to read the documentation.
2,631 下載
wavtool 0.1.0
2,438 下載