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nx-auto-link 0.1.2

Auto link for next.

1,934 下載

ledger_sync-xero 0.1.0

LedgerSync is a simple library that allows you to sync common objects to popular accoun...

1,892 下載

ledger_sync-stripe 0.1.0

LedgerSync is a simple library that allows you to sync common objects to popular accoun...

1,873 下載

gecko-api 0.0.3

Gecko Ruby is a lightweight gem for accessing the Gecko API web services.

1,861 下載

crypto-service 0.0.3

Crypto Ruby is a lightweight gem that return utils data for GreenAnt web services.

1,850 下載

uffizzi-core 0.1.13


1,847 下載

ledger_sync-template_ledger 0.1.0

LedgerSync is a simple library that allows you to sync common objects to popular accoun...

1,757 下載

inspec-reporter-tap 0.1.0

Plugin following TAP/TAP13

1,726 下載

fluent-plugin-perf-tools 0.2.0

plugin to run and stream output of perf-tools output

1,716 下載

peatio-jruby 2.6.2

Peatio gem contains microservices and command line tools

1,663 下載

nx-douban-celebrity 0.1.1

Douban celebrity.

1,652 下載

ashiba 0.7.0

Use Ashiba to generate directory hierarchies according to templates

1,540 下載

fluent-plugin-http-client 0.2.1

http client for fluentd, based on faraday 2

1,398 下載

issue_scheduler 0.1.1

Allow Jira issues to be created at a specified recurrence

1,067 下載

aga-cmc 0.0.1

Aga cmc Ruby is a lightweight gem for call CoinMarketCap API.

1,058 下載

coinpaprika 0.0.2

CoinPaprika Ruby is a lightweight gem for accessing the CoinPaprika API web services.

1,044 下載

planter-cli 3.0.7

Plant a file and directory structure

1,037 下載

aga-bnb 0.0.1

Aga bnb Ruby is a lightweight gem for call Binance API.

1,025 下載

fluent-plugin-prometheus-pull 0.2.1

Fluentd plugin that provides an input to pull prometheus met...

1,022 下載

aga-telegram 0.0.2

Telegram Ruby is a lightweight gem for use Telegram API.

1,022 下載

aga-beacon 0.0.1

Beacon Ruby is a lightweight gem for write, read & take size of log files.

970 下載

gitw 0.4.0

git command wrabper

835 下載

arel_assist 0.1.0

Helpers and shortcuts with Arel

771 下載

coinex 0.0.3

Coinex Ruby is a lightweight gem for accessing the Coinex API web services.

700 下載

postgresql-backup-sql 0.0.8

This gem automates PostgreSQL's backup and restore in your Rails project. It will injec...

632 下載

fluent-plugin-proc-info 0.1.2

fluentd plugin to access proc info for a given process.

627 下載

cryptorank 0.0.1

CryptoRank Ruby is a lightweight gem for accessing the CryptoRank API web services.

560 下載

fluent-plugin-kafka-status 0.2.1

fluentd plugin to extract status from kafka cluster

553 下載

yard_to_rbs_inline 0.2.0

Converter of yard to rbs-inline

526 下載

gitwrab 0.2.0

git command wrabper

513 下載

總下載次數 4,574,642

這個版本 1,255,865




Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.3.0
